George x Reader

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Café <3

You wake up to a text from George asking if we could go to a café nearby from his house at 1, of course you accept. Taking a quick shower you get dressed putting on your favorite outfit (you can imagine whatever u want)

While brushing your teeth you scrolled through instagram trying to pass the time, spitting out the toothpaste you wipe your mouth heading out of the bathroom.

You decide to call George, because waiting was fucking boring and overrated.
After like 2 minutes George answers "Omg finallyyyy"  scoffing George replied "did i really take forever to answer??" "whatever.. anyways can we just go to the café already?? i'm already dressed and shittt" you whined

"hold up i need to do something real quick" "what is it? "this" he said as he hung up "IM- ughhhhh god dammittt" you said whining some more
You sent George a texting saying

Babe <3

Fuck you
Read 12:10 pm

Anddd he left you on read
Shame on him >:(.. the only thing you had left to do was to wait.. so that's what you did putting in your headphones you start listening to your playlist you made for him just to get into the mood for the longgg wait.

You set an alarm for 12:30 but you fell asleep half way through the playlist.

Waking up at 1:23 you tiredly look at the clock noticing that you were late you jump out of bed knocking down some small furniture near. You rush to put on your shoes, and struggle to put in your car keys in the lock.

Slamming the door to the café open you take a breather, hair messy you look at George in his seat. He looked surprised, maybe because you just slammed the door open.

Sweaty you walk to George's seat sitting in the seat across from him, "Sorry im late i might of taken a nap" you mumbled scratching the back of your neck. "it's fine at least you came, besides you look pretty hot with your hair all messed up" George said as he rested his head on his palm. Feeling your face heat up a bit you replied rolling your eyes "oh please, your just saying that to make me forget about coming late"

"I'm nott im being honest you really do look hot with your hair messed up, plus your outfit is really cute, it suits you" He replied with a smirk "stop flirting with me your making me embarrassedddd" You mumbled hiding your face in your hands

"But you look cute when your flustered" he said pulling your hands away from your face, quickly stealing a kiss he lets go of your hands.

Gasping you playfully say "how dare you" grabbing his face you kiss him letting go of his face you pull away. "There now we're even"

Scoffing he replies rolling his eyes "whatever.." "anyways did you order anything yet?" "oh no i was kinda waiting for you to come before ordering"

"aw that's so sweet, anyways i was thinking of getting one of those chocolate chip muffins, they look good" you say pointing at the muffin in the glass case "what? are you bad boy halo now?"

"jeez can a dude not get a muffin?" "whatever, anyways i'm probably gonna get a croissant.., are you gonna get a drink?"  "oh yeah i was thinking of getting [favorite drink]" "got it, i'm gonna go order" George said getting up

"wait" you say stopping him "i came late i'll pay" "hmmm no" "what why" you say getting up " because i asked you to come here" "yeah but i came late" "no" you kept arguing until you made it to the counter

"1 croissant 1 chocolate chip muffin, a coffee and a [favorite drink]" George said "ok that'll be $10.35" the cashier said, as george went to swipe his card you quickly swiped before him. He looks at you with disgust, while you smirked at him.

"too slow"  "fuck you"

Extra :D

"mm this muffin is good" you say with your mouth full

rolling his eyes "it would have tasted better if i had paid for it" George said as he took a sip of his coffee

"mmmmm... no" you said with a smile as you finish eating your muffin.

mcyt x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now