C!Technoblade x reader

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Fainting and hiking

irl minecraft

Your POV

Walking around the snowy mountains made my feet feel like falling off, but I just wanted to at least make it to Techno's house. I just wanted to lay down after running across the nether.

My steps became sloppier and it was harder to walk, soon I was closer to Techno and Philza's houses. Right as I get close to the stairs leading to their houses, I manage to eat a piece of bread.

and once I take a bite—-

you blacked out

too bad you weren't a runner...a track star...
you should have really gotten those legs moving

oh oh uhm time to go—-

Still your POV

I woke up to the sounds of manic foot steps, my vision blurry all I can see is this big pink blob... oh wait that's probably Technoblade.

(if you wear glasses this is for you)

Wait where are my glasses? I searched for them for a while until I see the pink blob get closer and soon I can see clearly, aw how sweet Techno put my glasses back on.

(ok time for the people who don't wear glasses)

I blinked a few times and finally saw clearly. "ugh my head.." Soon Techno rushed to me, "are you good? I saw you face plant into the snow outside" He asked

" Yeah, I guess I just passed out because I was really tired. These winter jackets are so heavy like how do you manage??" I replied "great job ignoring the fact you fainted" I let out a small chuckle "I know I'm the best at it"

"Anyways why did you come here?" I sighed "I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to go exploring with me or like hiking I don't know"

"You could have just chatted to me that you wanted to hang out with me" He said crossing his arms "yeah but then you would have to walk to my place" I say leaning back on the bed he's placed me on.

"I've done it many times before do you think I can't do it anymore?" he said tilting his head "No! I just meant you just do it too much, you need a break you know?"

He sighed "I guess but who said you could travel as fast as I could? I am like half piglin I'm more faster" "ughhh I know"

Time skip to you getting ready to explore with technology

I packed my bags with water,food, a compass, and some other stuff I don't care about. "Hey Techno you done?" "Yes, I've actually been waiting for you to finish packing for the trip"

"You could have just said yes, jeez" Soon we headed out and started walking to these large mountains "Are you sure you still want to keep walking? you did faint from running" "If the mountain is bigger then the nether then probably no"

"but who said it was as big as the nether?"

I did lol

you soon found ur self in a pickle

We made it too the top but.. "Technobladeeeee" I whined "what"

"I'm tired" "Yeah I know you've told me like 10 times already" "Can you carry me?? My legs might fall off"

"Are you serious?" "I'm just trying to make it romantic jeez" Then he sigh and squatted down
"hop on"

"Omg finally" I, like the romantic guy I am starts swarming him in kisses "He-Hey  if you keep kissing me you're gonna— no we're gonna fall"



once you made it back to your house you force— -invited techno to cuddle and he obviously said yes <3 (even if he didn't he still enjoyed it) and spent the rest of the day cuddling and occasionally braiding small sections of Techno's hair.

sorry if this chapter is more sloppier then usual I kinda rushed it anyways hugs and kisses to techno simpers

mcyt x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now