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Jisoo sometimes to Jennie's work to help her with the cases. In this case, they were investigating this woman that also hold information to the prime suspect to the case.

Jisoo was flirting with her. She sat right in front of the mother of her child and flirted with another woman. Jennie was getting angrier by the second. Who did she think she was?

She isn't even all that pretty, she thought, petulantly. OK, maybe she had nice hair, if you like brassy redness. And her eyes were sort of...bedroom, Jisoo would call them. Bedroom eyes, whatever that means.

The suspect Jisoo was supposed to be interrogating laughed at something Jennie had been too preoccupied to hear, and she touched Jisoo's knee! That was it. She'd had all she could take of this! If that's the kind of woman she likes, then she can just have her!

Jennie stood and marched out of the room, glaring at Jisoo for good measure. Jennie got to the car and awkwardly got in. She waited, fuming, for another ten minutes, before Jisoo waltzed out the front door of the suspects house, grinning broadly.

She got in the drivers' side and started the engine before turning to her.

"Are you OK, Honey? You left in a hurry. You need some crackers, or something?" Jisoo offered.

"I'm fine," she replied, stiffly, "I'd like to go home now, please."

"OK." Jisoo didn't know why she was mad at her...again...but obviously, she was. Jisoo was smart enough not to start talking now, so it was a quiet drive back into their home.

They were almost home, when she spoke. "All right, why are you mad at me, now? What could I possibly have done between getting out of the car and getting back in it? All I did was interview a suspect" Jisoo explained.

"You can drop me off at my apartment, Jisoo," she said, refusing to even look at her. She knew it was petty, but she just couldn't help it. The anger was fading, leaving a deep ache inside.

"Your old apartment?" Jisoo asked still unbelievably confised to what Jennie said.

It was surprisingly painful to know Jisoo wasn't attracted to her anymore. Admittedly, she had expanded dramatically, recently, but it was only because of her child inside of her uterus! It was her own fault, how dare she flirt with another woman! Jennie thought.

Jisoo pulled over and turned off the car. Turning to her, Jisoo reached out and gripped her chin, forcing her to turn and face her. Jennie hadn't realized she was crying until Jisoo brushed the tears off of her cheek.

"Baby," Jisoo said, gently, "what's wrong? I don't understand, and I can't fix it until I do. You're the one who always explains things to me, so, please, help me with this," she pleaded.

She shook her head, afraid that if she put it into words it would just confirm her worst fears.

"Please, Jen, it kills me when you cry. Please talk to me. We're not going anywhere until I know what's wrong. So you might as well tell me now." Jisoo pleaded

Jennie looked at her and took a breath. "What did you think of her?" she asked, calmly.

Jisoo was taken aback by the unexpected question. She thought for a second and said, "I don't know. I don't think she killed him, if that's what you're asking."

Jennie snorted. "Of course, you don't."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You find her attractive. "

Jisoo blinked. "You're jealous! That's what this is about. You didn't like my interrogation technique." she started to grin.

"Interrogation? That was an interrogation? Joking and flirting and touching is how you interrogate a suspect, now?

"Sometimes," she shot back. Jisoo was actually enjoying her jealousy.

It was nice to be on the receiving end for once. However...she couldn't let her stay so upset in her condition.

"Honey, she's just a flirtatious kind of woman. I flirted back to put her at ease so I could get more information out of her. I would have warned you if I had known what she was like, but I've never met her. I didn't know."

Jisoo touched her forehead to hers, and said, "You're the only woman I enjoy flirting with. It's your touch I crave. Your body I want to drown in. Your smile that lights me up inside. You are the woman I want to wake up with and go to bed with and spend my life with. I love you, Jen. I'm yours for as long as you'll have me. Longer." Jisoo leaned back, and kissed her palm. With a gentle smile, he said, "I'm in too deep. I'll never let you go."

Jennie was smiling and crying openly, now. How could Jisoo make her feel so beautiful, when she'd felt so horrible just moments ago?

And, of course, Jisoo couldn't leave well enough alone. Feeling good after averting disaster, she grinned again and said, "Gotta' love those pregnancy hormones, huh?"

Her soft smile dropped from her face, and she sat back in her seat, and said, stiffly, "I'd like to go home, now, Chu."
she sniffed "I wanna see my kids"

Right back where she started, Jisoo's head dropped onto the steering wheel and thumped there a few times.

"Me and my big mouth." Jisoo grinned.

Hormonal Jennie haha

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