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Sophie Foster, Savior of the Elvin World, felt her knees give out beneath her, felt her breathing sharpen at the sight of those two pink lines. She knew that the home-pregnancy tests humans used weren't always 100% correct and that there were times when the flimsy sticks predicted wrong, but somehow Sophie knew that the test told the truth.

Sophie knew that she was pregnant.

And that scared her. Yes, the Black Swan had defeated the Neverseen, but that didn't mean that every member had been caught and after Sophie... threw caution to the wind, one could say that a bright, blinking target was attached to her back.

That's why, after Sophie and Keefe's wedding, the two moved into a small, beach-front property in the human world. Both still had their large elf funds, but they'd practically cut themselves off from that world.

Sophie rested her back against the bathroom wall and curled into herself. She needed to calm her panic, her fright, otherwise Keefe would sense it. She thought of her mother and father, and how she would tell them the news. She felt a sudden desire to grab her home crystal and light-leap straight to Havenfield, and she had already placed a hand on the handle to the bathroom door when she paused.

Keefe was her husband, he was the father to her child, if anyone deserved to know that she was pregnant, it was him.

So, she took a deep breath to steady her violently beating heart and pulled open the door. It squeaked on its rusted hinges. The two hadn't bought the nicest house, for they didn't have much human money when they first moved, but both agreed that they could fix it up. Plus, it was right on the water, something that Sophie knew Keefe desperately wanted as he fell in love with it at the Shores of Solace.

Her bare feet were silent on the tile floor as she walked the length of the house, subconsciously her hand rested upon her stomach. As she neared the back-end of the house, the sun's bright rays beaming in through the wall of windows, she had to take a break and reel in a breath. She was nervous, that much was obvious.

They hadn't even been married for a year, yet she already carried his child. They were only in their mid-twenties too, Sophie had thought that she'd get the chance to live a peaceful life before she became a mother.

Just as Sophie turned around the corner, Keefe called out from his spot on the back patio.

"I wondered when you'd join me."

Despite her nerves, Sophie smiled and joined her husband outdoors. The two sat on a porch swing, watching the sunset.

"Are you going to tell me what's bugging you?" Keefe asked, his hand wrapped tightly around Sophie's. After Keefe had returned from his visit to the human world, he had better control of his 'super-feelings' (as Bex liked to call it), but he could still sense things exceeding well. "Don't try to act like all is fine, Love. I could feel your nauseousness from here even when you had locked yourself in the bathroom."

She sighed and pulled her hand from his so that she could twiddle her thumbs. "I-I'm not hiding it from you, I'm just... working up the courage to tell you something."

Sophie, who had her eyes trained on her thumbs, felt Keefe shift beside her.

"Look at me," he told her, she shook her head. "Look at me, Foster."

Still not budging, Keefe placed a palm to her cheek and used his own hand to tilt her head in his direction. "You know you can tell me anything, right?"

Sophie reached up to tug out an eyelash, but Keefe stopped her. "Come on, Love. Tell me. There's no need to become the Mysterious Miss F. again."

He had made a joke. An action that he'd rarely done since his coma, and it was because of that, that Sophie finally spat the words out.

"I'm pregnant."

Keefe seemed to freeze, "Y-You're w-what?"

Panic blossomed inside Sophie, "I'm pregnant, Keefe." She felt like crying.

Though, Keefe seemed to beat her to it, because a sob came out of his mouth. He stood up from the swing and pulled Sophie into a hug. "You're pregnant?" He ran a hand through his wife's hair, "You're pregnant," he muttered.

"Yes, I am."

He then picked Sophie off her feet and spun in a circle, "you're pregnant!" he practically bellowed the words, Sophie laughed at his reaction. Abruptly, Keefe set Sophie back onto her feet, she wanted to ask what had happened as his face had turned solemn once more but decided against it as he knelt down in front of her.

He placed a calloused hand on Sophie's stomach beneath her shirt and then leaned forward. "Hello, little one. It's your dad, or dadda, oh! Or pops, actually, not that one. Uhm, your mother is looking down at me right now with a very weird grin on her face, but don't worry I can feel her love.

"I just wanted to make you a promise, and I guess this goes for Sophie as well; I promise you, little one, that I'll always be here for you. I promise that I'll be a better father than the one I had, I'll be the father I always wanted. And I'll be the father that you deserve. If you want the world, I will do everything in my power to give it to you, little one. I promise you that."

Keefe then placed a gentle kiss above Sophie's belly-button before he stood once more. He gently encased her hand in his own, "Maybe later on in the pregnancy I'll be able to feel the baby's emotions."

"You think so?" asked Sophie as the couple entered the house, relocking the five locks on the backdoor.

"I don't see why not. What would you like for dinner?" Keefe pulled open the fridge and cringed at how empty it was, they really needed to go shopping.

"Chicken," she answered bluntly.

Keefe choked on his spit. "Chicken!? Love, have you forgotten that we are vegetarians?"

"No, you are a vegetarian. I am someone who ate meat for the first 12 years of her life, and, to tell you the truth, never really stopped once she reached the Lost Cities."

"What?" gasped Keefe. He'd been in love with this girl for over a decade yet he'd completely missed the signs of her being a rebel.

"Yeah," Sophie said as she walked to the house-phone that hung from the kitchen wall, she dialed a number onto it, "Listen, it might taste like chicken, but it's got nothing on the actual thing."

"You mean it has nothing on a dead bird!"

Sophie laughed before she held a finger up and said something into the phone, "Don't worry," she told Keefe after she finished ordering, "I got you something animal-free."

"I don't know how to feel about this new nugget of information," he told her, arms around her waist.

"Do you still love me?"

"Of course I do."

"And you still want to have this child with me?"

"Absolutely I do!" Keefe sounded astounded at the prospect.

"Then I think you'll just store it in the back of your brain and remember to pick up meat at the next grocery store run."

Keefe hummed, "What are you thinking for names?"

Sophie playfully slapped his chest, "Are you joking? I just found out I was pregnant today!"

"Do I seem like one to joke?" He raised an eyebrow, and his wife just chuckled, "I'm thinking Keefe Jr for a boy. We can call him K.J for short."

"Oh yeah, he sounds like a prat."

Keefe huffed, "Fine then, what are you thinking for a name?"

Sophie thought for a minute, swaying their bodies back-and-forth. Finally, she said, "I think we should wait a while."


"Yeah, maybe sometime within the upcoming months, you'll be able to feel the baby's emotions and then the name will come to us."

Keefe pressed a gentle kiss to her lips, "You know what? I like that idea."


Word Count: 1314

Hope you liked this, and hey! Maybe I'll write more if it interests you.

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