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"I actually hate you," I complain to him, it seemed like me picking a difficult baking recipe for Clay had completely backfired, I had been trying to perfect the ice cream mochi for the longest time yet it was evidentially unsuccessful, while Clay was peacefully assembling his chocolate souffle.

"I do not speak loser," Clay laughs "I told you, you were underestimating my baking abilities"

"Hey this mochi ball looks kind of nice" I stare at single mochi, taking my phone from my counter and taking a picture of it, sending it to Clay.

"It does looks yummy," He says as the ticks turn blue "looks like you still have a chance to win against the best baker."

"I am not going through all this pain and agony to make this, for you to not tell me what the winner prize is clayballs-"'

"i'm going to choose to ignore that nick name" He interrupts "loser has to venmo money to winner"

"how much?"

"hmm" he thinks "how about $50?"

"fine clay balls" I give in "get your $50 ready because i am about to win"

"that looks disgusting Clay" I hear his sister casually say "looks like patches shit"

"stop swearing Claire" Clay demands "And it doesn't matter about the look, it's about the taste"

"I am not eating that"

"i'll stuff it in your mouth" He argues, their interactions always made me laugh. "Y/n is making Ice cream mochi"

"Hey Y/n" she shouts into the phone "You're going to win the this competition."

"No she isn't" He shouts back "Now leave the kitchen all i'll tell dad you swore at me"

"okay 6ix9ine" she says and I hear the door closing.

"Okay I made the mochi, I just need to steam them" I inform him "are you nearly finished?"

"nearly, I am putting in the oven now"

"And now we wait" I imitate in a British accent, setting an alarm for when the mochi would be ready.

"And now we wait" He copies me, saying it in a british accent too.

"don't mock my people" George abruptly shouts into his microphone, I had forgotten he was in the call after he was on mute and deafen for most of the time.

"bold of you to say british things are human" Clay laughs, his laughter was contagious, making me and george laugh too despite the awful joke.

"We should watch a movie while we are wait" I suggest after the laughter has eventually settled down.

"I cant, I have to walk my fish," George laughs and then leaves the discord call instantly.

"Fish can't walk," Clay observes after George leaves the call.

"you're very smart Clayballs," I say sarcastically, cleaning up the mess in the kitchen and then returning to my room.

"I am smart, incredibly good looking, excellent baker, amazing singer, what else could you want in a man?"

"Amazing singer?" I question "who said that?"

"simon Cowell himself, he personally flew me to his house and said that i'm a really good singer" He chuckles.

"Stop telling me about your fantasies clayballs," I sigh.

"i'm going to cry," he sniffs "you're such a bully."

"too bad Suck my peepee."

"i was going to say something but i remembered that I am a respectful man"

"suddenly I am deaf" I joke, covering my ears.


"beep beep," I imitate the steamer, as it alerted that the mochi was ready, it had taken two awful hours for it to be cooked, which meant I had to watch a movie with Clay, commentating every event in the movie. " You can take the soufflé out now."

"About time" he groans, his voice deeper and raspier than usual.

"Did you fall asleep?" I interrogate, gently presenting the mochi balls on a plate.

"I was resting my clay eyes" He defensively says "who could blame me? that movie was very boring" we had watched 'Little women' with his sister, who only wanted to watch it because of Timothee Chalamet. But I couldn't blame her.

"Maybe if you didn't ask questions every five minutes you would actually like it," I Smile, bringing the plate of the dessert to s/n's room, using my foot to gently kick the door.

"Claire you must eat this and give your opinion on it" Clay explains to her.

"What's that?" S/n points at the plate, a confused look on their face. I could hear clay laugh in reply to the question.

"it's ice cream mochi," I pick one up and put it to their face "i'm having a baking challenge with Clay, and you are the judge."

"Clay, are you actually trying to food poison me?" I hear his sister critic "This taste like vomit"

"ugh stop exaggerating" Clay groans, the sounds of him then chewing. "see it's not too bad-"

"YUCK!" He yells, the following sounds of him proceeding to spit it out, trying my hardest not to laugh.

s/n takes the mochi from my hand and chews on it, then giving me a weird look "Baking isn't for everyone" they say, taking a napkin from their table, clay bursting into laughter. "and you're an example of that."

"Stop laughing, claire literally said yours taste like vomit" I try to not fall for his contagious laugh.

"how did we both lose at the baking challenge," He continues laughing, stumbling on his words as he tried to catch his breathe., making me laugh as well. My stomach physically hurting as him and I wheeze at the failure of this challenge.

"We are idiots," he manages to get out after we laughed for what felt like hours.

"We really are," I agree, laying on the floor of my bedroom, which i has fallen over onto after laughing for so long.

"I really enjoyed today actually" Clay randomly says, his voice switching from his usual voice to a softer one. "you never fail to make my day y/n"

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