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I woke the next morning to find a fish staring straight into my face. I jerked back, and looked back at it. The fish then slowly swam away when it realized I was not a food source.

Fish can be like that sometimes. They're either very frightened or very curious.

I looked at the sea floor around me. I was near a garden of sea plants. Many different fish darted by peacefully between the plants.

I then looked up where the water met the air. The waves were still tossing, and rain was still falling. The weather wasn't as bad as yesterday though.

I floated away from my sleeping spot. Sand was kicked up into a cloud as I started flapping my wings.

I was where a water dragon should be. I should be happy and joyful, but I was not. My heart was with the team. It felt like there was an aching hole in my chest.

I must find them! But how?

The question echoed without an answer. Finding the team will be difficult. Drake is still out there, and wants me dead.

I swam around the area for a long time. My mind was not where I was.

I thought about the many unanswered questions of my life.

Who are my parents? Could there possibly be other shapeshifters?

The only place who knew anything about my parents was the orphanage that I once lived at before I was a shapeshifter. Even they knew little about my parents.

The orphanage is a couple hundred miles away. I may uncover answers there. I have no way to find the team so what else is there to do?

I made my mind up right there and then. I was going to go back to the orphanage. They have a file about me there. If I could get into that file, I might could find out something about my parents.

I couldn't just walk into the orphanage. They think I'm dead. I'll have to make a plan.

I will leave to go to the orphanage after the hurricane passes.

For the rest of the day I stayed underwater. Nothing much happened. The fish swam by. The plants waved back and forth. Everything was calm.

The next day I swam back up the river that curved around Salt Tide City. The hurricane was gone, and I planned to leave the area by flying at night.

I walked up in human form from under the bridge. The storm had turned the place upside down. Palm fronds, tree branches, mud, trash, and other objects covered the banks of the river and the city streets. The road was covered in debris the storm had brought in.

I heard a voice calling out. The person was shouting someone's name. I followed the voice, and found a tired woman walking in the dirty streets.

"Can I help?" I asked her.

She turned to me, "Yes, I can't find my daughter. I lost her during the storm. Her name is Lily. I need to find her."

"Don't worry. We will find her." I reassured.

I sharpened all my senses. Hearing and scent are my most important tools right now.

I have to help these people before I go to the orphanage. That's more important. They need my help.

I hear something far down the road. I walked toward it then start running. I hear it again. Only dragon hearing could have heard it.

I reached the spot where I had heard the noise. There was a pile of sticks and limbs. I quickly dug through it. I received a few cuts, but I ignored them.

Then I finally found a little girl. I pulled her out, and held her. She was shivering, and clung to me tightly.

"I found her!" I yelled.

The woman came running with a man following. He must be her husband.

They took the girl, and made sure she was okay. The girl was only shocked and dirty. No physical harm was done.

"My little girl." The mother said while rocking her daughter.

The father turned to me, "Thank you. How can we thank you for helping us?"

"Just a simple thank you is enough." I said.

"Okay, if that's fine with you. What's your name?" He asked me.

I say, "Anada."

The man gives me a confused look. I suddenly recognize him as the man I saved the other day.

I quickly say, "I have to go."

I hear the mother thanking me as I walk away. I wave to her as I went around the corner of the street.

I realize that I can't leave this place yet. I then decided to stay for two more days so I could help.

I may not be with the team, but I can still help people.

Anada (Book #2)Where stories live. Discover now