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        How did they get here? Wait, where am I?!

     My heart beat hard as I looked up at Drake and Dr.Vindu. I was back in the lab. I tried fighting, but every time I reached toward them they got farther away without even moving. Then Drake pointed his pistol at me.

    He says darkly, "It's over now."

    He pulls the trigger this time, and I wake up screaming. I fall off the bed, and onto the wooden floor. I breath hard from the horrible recollection of memories.

     The light in my room suddenly turns on, and I jump as I look over at Elias.

     "Are you okay?" He asks concerned.

     I furiously shake my head.

     Elias walks over and pulls me up from the floor, "You're shaking really bad."

     I look at the covers tangled around my legs. They were shreaded. I must have grown my claws out and started using them in my sleep.

     "Nightmares?" He asks.

     "Yes." I mumble.

     He hugs me and says, "It's okay you're safe."

     "No. No, we're not. We won't be safe from Drake until we stop him." I say.

     "That's what it's about?" Elias asked.

     He was talking about the nightmare.

     "Yes, I've never had nightmares till I met him, and they're worse after..." I trailed off as I started to think of Dr.Vindu.

     He says, "Do you want to talk about it?"

     "I don't know. How would I even begin?" I say.

     Anada, you're just tired. It was only a nightmare. I have to be stronger than this.

      I quickly say, "I'll be fine. How about you go back to bed."

     "Okay, but let me get you another blanket though." He stands then opens the closet to look for a blanket.

     He takes a blanket off the top shelf, and shakes it out. I hold my blanket up, and look through the torn areas I had made in it. I grimaced at the viscious marks. I'm glad no one was around or they would have needed to go to the hospital.

     Elias takes the destroyed blanket, and lays the new one on me. Then he looks at the shreaded blanket. I give him a nervous smile.

     "It was an accident. No harm done." He says with a smile then walks back to the door with the ruined blanket.

     Before he leaves, Elias asks with concern, "Will you be okay?"

     "Yeah, I'll be okay. Thanks." I smiled.

     I know he could see through my fake smile. He knew that I was still struggling.

     Elias left and I heard him talking in the hallway with Westen. I could easily hear them though.

     "How is she? I thought I heard her scream." Westen whispered.

     Elias says quietly, "She did scream. I've never heard her scream. I don't know what happened to her when she was kidnapped, but I'm going to make Drake pay for whatever it was."

     The fury in his voice surprised me. Elias truly hated Drake. I already knew that though.

     Then they both went back down the hallway.

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