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Xiaojun then remembered that you weren't supposed to be known to his brothers. You were about to speak but that was until Xiaojun spoke first.

"We went to kindergarden together..." Xiaojun said which made you confused on why he said that.

Hendery nodded and went to make Dejun's coffee.

Xiaojun then pulled you aside so you two could have a private talk.

"What do you mean you work here?!!"

"I got this new job to be able to live comfortably. Now can you tell me why did you lie to him?"

Xiaojun sighed...

"I can't let him know about you, nor the others, remember?"

"Ah right!...WAIT HE'S ONE OF YOUR SO CALLED BROTHERS??" you were in shock.

"SHHHH!! Don't scream!"


"But yes... he's one of them. There's 6 just to let you know"

"Oh!!! Not gonna lie... he's cute."


Even if you weren't in a relationship with Xiaojun it still felt like you were.

"SORRY! I take that back..." do you?

Your conversation with Xiao was cut off when Hendery called Dejun's name for him to grab his coffee.

"We'll talk later" he whispered to you and left the shop.

You and Hendery started closing the store. You both said goodbye to each other and headed your own ways.

You were now back home.

You hopped in the shower and put on your pajamas right after to make yourself comfortable. You ate dinner as you went thru social media. When you finished eating you went to lay down on your couch to watch some Youtube videos on your TV.

Minutes later, your phone received a message. You checked to see who it was.


Have you arrived home safely?

Yes thanks for caring!!

So... what was that all about earlier??

Did he say anything to you??

Like anything unrelated to work?

No not really?

Why are you so scared Xiaojun??

I just don't want Hendery to suspect anything.

But why does it matter to you that much??

I know that they'll tease me for it and I just don't wanna feel this way right now...

Do they tease you for everything you do??

Yes 😭

HAHAHA its okay!!!

You two chatted for a while until you both decided to go to sleep. You closed everything and went in your bed.

Thinking about everything that happened today from going to your new job to meeting Xiaojun's beautiful friend, you then went to sleep.

The next day...

Your second day at work!!! You were going to see Hendery again and not gonna lie... you were pretty excited about that.

You made your way to work under the bright sun of South Korea. You entered the coffee shop like planned and greeted Hendery.

"Good morning y/n!! How did you sleep?"

"I slept well thank you! What about you?"

"I slept great thanks! Today might be a busier day as it's Friday but don't worry I'll be here ;)" his words comforted you.

Customers started filling the place up which made you very nervous, afraid to mess up.

With Hendery's help, you were sort of able to manage it but that was until you encountered everyone's worst enemy... Karen.

You took a deep breath and started taking her very complicated and quickly said order. Even if she said her order as fast as a lighting stroke, you still managed to take it, somehow...

You were making her almost IMPOSSIBLE drink cursing in your head, regretting to have landed on a Karen.

As you were calling her name for her to pick it up she hurriedly came complaining you took too long...

Without even taking a glance at the drink nor tasting it she started critiquing it which made your blood boil.

"It's too cold and there's not enough cream like I asked you"

"I am so sorry for the inconvenience, I'll make you a new one right away." you said trying to keep your calm as Hendery taught you.

After remaking her drink as quick as possible before she complains again, you gave her the new drink.

"There you go ma'am, sorry again"

This time, she took a sip...

"IT'S DISGUSTING" she said after spitting the drink on the floor.

Everyone in the coffee shop started staring at the scene she was causing. Hendery walked out from the back to see you getting yelled at by a Karen customer.

"YOU CAN'T EVEN MAKE A PROPER DRINK WHY ARE YOU WORKING HERE THEN YOU B!TXH" she was about to slap you when, luckily, Hendery came in and stopped her arm.

He pushed you behind him in order to protect you from the crazy lady.

Tiny tears started escaping your eyes but you tried to keep yourself together.

Hendery, handling the situation very well, started speaking with the customer.

"I'm sorry is there a problem miss?"


All the attention was now on the three of you.

"I understand if you got upset ma'am but it's no reason to hit my co-worker"

"DON'T DEFEND THIS SLUT SHE DOESN'T DESERVES IT" the Karen said throwing the cup at your feet.

You were filled with rage but knew that you had to keep your calm.

"Miss I'm going to ask you to leave the shop, please"


"She's not the one that should apologize since she's not the one making a scene..."

The Karen customer gasps and brutally leaves the coffee shop.

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