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Oufff...that was close..., you thought to yourself

You went to get Xiaojun out of your closet. He came out with an old teddy of yours.

« What's this?? »

« OH UHH NOTHING!! » you said snatching the teddy bear from his hand, out of embarrassment.

« Don't worry... I think it's cute! » he said with a cute smile which made you blush

« So who was that?? »

« It was Hendery... »


« CALM DOWN!!! No he didn't I told him you came back home then went on an early morning walk so you're good »

« AHH!! THANK YOU!! That was a close one!»

« Yep!! »

It was Saturday which meant you had the weekend off work.

« Do you want to do something?? » Xiaojun asked you

You loved the idea of him wanting to hang out with you more.

« We can take my dog and go to a dog cafe?! » he said with a big smile on his face hoping you would say yes.

« That's sounds like fun so why not!! » Xiaojun's face lit up once you agreed to his idea

But there was a tiny problem...

« Y/n?? »

« Yea?! »

« How are we going to get Bella if the guys are inside?? »

« We.. didn't think of that.. »

« Okay listen! You'll stay in the car while I get Bella and I'll tell them I'm taking her to the dog park mkay?? »

« Okay!! Wait but what if someone sees me?? »


« I- OKAYY THEN!!..»

Xiaojun then left to grab Bella and luckily no one saw you waiting in his car. You now arrived  at the dog cafe and you were pretty excited since it was your first time at one.

You and Xiaojun (and Bella of course!!) entered the shop. You were greeted by the front desk lady...

« Aww!! What a cute dog! And you two also! Are you guys a couple? »

You and Xiaojun turned RED and started panicking so all that came out of your mouths were incomprehensible words as you were both talking over each other.

The lady then chuckled and under her breath and said « cute » but you were both able to hear it which made you look at each other blushing.

She then leads to you a nice little room where it would only be you three. Of course the idea of being alone with Xiaojun pleased you...

Bella got distracted with that one toy which made you and Dejun free and able to talk to each other

You started to get to know each other better as well as many laughs were heard in the room. You guys had a great time and shared many stories.

« One time, Bella peed on the floor even when I told her not to!! »

You really got closer with Xiaojun which made you think deeper...

Do I like him?...

Do I like her?...

The two love birds still didn't fully know their feelings towards each other..

It was now time for them to leave the dog cafe. They had great time but I think Xiaojun and
y/n had even more fun than Bella!

You had such a great time with Xiaojun that you didn't want to go back home.

You were both walking down the streets and the next you know Xiaojun's takes you behind the building as he now pinned you against the wall.

His action made you blush but he didn't realize it as he kept looking around which made you curious...

« What is it??! »

« I saw one of the guys!! » Xiaojun, still on top of you, said.

He saw his friends come closer to where you guys were hiding which is when Xiaojun made you hide behind the garbage and bend down.

« Oh hey Xiaojun! What are you doing here? »

« Heyyy Lucas!! Heyyy Winwin!! »

« Are you okay man?? »

« Who me? Yea pfft I'm great!! »

« Are you sure you don't seem very okay.. »

« Yea yea I am!! Um.. why are you guys here? »

« Oh we were just walking around »

« Cool cool!! So uh.. see you later yea?! »

« You're acting very suspicious Dejun.. are you sure everything is fine? »

« Yep! Everything IS fine!! »

« Mkay... if you say so » Lucas and Winwin then started to go their own way

Xiaojun ran to you apologizing for making you hide behind a nasty garbage can. He helped you get up and you two started walking again.. This time, Xiaojun tried to be careful by looking everywhere around him.

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