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Well... this is it!! Your first day of school, the main reason why you decided to come to Korea. Not gonna lie, your Korean has improved and you're able to talk more than before. You spent some days of your summer working with Hendery and others you hung out with Dejun still making sure no one else sees you together...

Your alarm went off this morning as it should. You were quite tired and didn't feel like going to school since you enjoyed having fun during summer but you had to get up.

After convincing yourself to do so, you headed to the bathroom to get ready. You did your morning routine and then went back into your room to change clothes. When you came back, you saw that someone texted you, while you were getting ready in bathroom.


Good morning!

I hope you slept well!!

Have a great first day of school ;)

It was sweet of him so you replied by thanking him and then continued getting ready. You changed your pajamas into the clothes you picked out last night.

After getting ready, you ate breakfast, went thru social media for a little bit and then finally went off to school.

You walked to the bus stop and waited for it to pass by. A few minutes later, the bus came and you finally got on. While on your way to university, you decided to call Xiaojun to make the time pass by. You had a fun conversation but it sadly had to stop since you arrived.

Here you are!! at school...

You walked in and you soon realized how big it is. You went to the office to get your schedule and started searching for your first class. Since you didn't live that far, you won't be staying in a dorm and you were okay with that.

Your first class was mathematics...fun!...

As you walked into class, you tried finding a spot where you could sit. You found an available place in the back, in the right corner of the class. You sat down and started taking your books out.

A little later, a young man entered the class. He analyzed the classroom to find where he can sit and the only place available left was the one next to you. The boy happily came towards your direction and sat down next to you with a smile on his face.

"Hi! I'm Yangyang"

"Hi! I'm y/n, nice to meet you"

"It's nice to meet you too y/n!"

He had a bright smile on your face which made you smile... he clearly has one of those contagious gummy smiles.

During the class, Yangyang sometimes tried to talk to you. He's really nice and friendly so you thought you could make a friend here.

"Sorry if my Korean isn't that good, I'm still learning" you warned the young boy.

"Oh no it's okay! I'm also not that good since I'm from China" the Taiwanese boy said in order to reassure you.

You both chitchatted a little bit during class trying to not get caught by your teacher...

A few hours passed by as it was now time for lunch. For now, you've had all your classes with this kid Yangyang which you thought was pretty cool.

"Wanna eat lunch together?" asked the boy.

"Sure!" you agreed his request.

You then both sat down at the cafeteria and started to each eat your food. You decided to get to know each other.

"Also, I lived in Germany for most of my teenage years" shared the young boy which you thought was pretty cool.

"Do you work somewhere?" he asked you.

"Yea I work at a coffee shop"

"Oh that's cool! My friend works at one too"

"That's great! Maybe I know him haha"

"Well do you? His name is Hendery"

THE Hendery??! You didn't think much of it since Yangyang said he was only his friend so it could be just another one of Hendery's normal life friends, or so you thought...

"Actually I do! He's my coworker"

"Really?! That's nice, I could visit you guys one day!;)"

Your conversation got cut off by the bell ringing signaling that your classes were about to start. You and Yangyang later realized that you had all of your classes together which was pretty fun since you seem to like talking with him as he was fun to be around.

Little did you know...

Little did you know

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