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School finally ended as you went back home. Before leaving, you said your goodbyes to Yangyang and were both hyped, since you were going to see each other again tomorrow...

You arrived home as you dropped your bag on the floor and immediately went to change into some more comfortable clothes.

You were pretty hungry so you went into your kitchen to make some dinner. After you ate, you showered and put your pajamas on.

Later, you peacefully went to bed thinking about the day you had. You convinced yourself that Yangyang was just Hendery's friend and not one of Xiaojun's so called brothers.

The next morning...

You got ready for school, as usual. You took the bus and headed to university. You went to your first class that was of course with Yangyang. The day passed by pretty fast as you headed home.

You had fun with Yangyang today but now you had to head to work with Hendery.

It's your first time seeing him after knowing that Yangyang is his friend.

You got ready for work and started walking to your destination.

As you entered, you could see Hendery's smile brighten up as he saw you walk into the shop.

You were now both in the back so you decided to tell him about the friend you made yesterday.

« So Hendery...you know how yesterday was my first day of university right?? »

« Yes!! About that.. how was it?! »

« It was pretty good... I made a new friend.. »

« Oh really?! That's great!! Who is it?? »

« Well apparently you know him... » Hendery then looked at you with a confused look.

« ... his name is Yangyang... Does it ring a bell or? »

« YANGYANG??!!! OMG!! Wait so you met Yangyang?? »

« Yea I did! »

« Good luck with him... he's a wild one!! » he said while laughing it off.

You continued your work shift as it reached its end...

You and Hendery then went back home. You did your night routine as always and then went to sleep.

The next day

You're back at school now...

The teacher still hasn't arrived so everyone was talking. Of course, you were talking with Yangyang as he was the only friend you both had in university.

Your conversation was cut off by Yangyang's phone ringing...

« Oh it's Xiaojun hold up » he said answering the call

XIAOJUN???? you thought

No no it can't be!!!

Maybe he's just friends with him and he isn't one of the guys he lives with... I hope...

« Hey!!... okay calm down I'll clean it up when I'm back home, I promise » those were the words he said...



It was now the next period. You had PE with Yangyang and this class was... swimming class.

Great!..., you thought to yourself.

So if Yangyang really IS one of Dejun's brothers...I'll have to see him... shirtless

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