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"CHEERS TO ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL PERFORMANCE!" Francis lifted his drink, y/n and her other security guard, Thomas, clinking their glasses with one another

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"CHEERS TO ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL PERFORMANCE!" Francis lifted his drink, y/n and her other security guard, Thomas, clinking their glasses with one another.

"Cheers." Y/n grinned, taking a swill of her wine and crossing her legs under the table. "I don't know why you 'cheers' to every single one of my concerts, Francis. It's nothing new."

"But you never fail to impress me!" He beamed.

She chuckled. "You're too kind...What about you, Thomas? Aren't you going to compliment me?" She turned to him, giving twinkling eyes as she placed her hands under her chin and her elbows on the table.

Thomas scoffed. "I complimented you enough, when Adam first allowed you onto the orchestra."

Y/n slouched in her seat, moving her glass in a circle motion and watching the dark crimson wine swirl inside. "...I hate that this is the only time I'm allowed out...Unless it's for a kill mission..."

Thomas and Francis, who were seated next to one another, turned to each other with pitiful eyes. Thomas then sighed, as he could tell Francis wanted him to handle the situation. "...You should really be more careful about how you talk about Adam, Madam. Anyone could be listening in, and assume you're being ungrateful..."

Y/n's eyes slowly looked up, her letting out a long, whiney sigh. "Fiiiiiinnnnneeee...I'm glad I have nice guards like the two of you! Most Yakuza guards are rude and mean."

"...Well...Didn't you kill the last guards who were mean to you?" Francis sweat dropped.

"Are you sayin you're only nice to me cuz ya don't wanna die?" Y/n glared, leaning over the table with wide eyes.

Thomas and Francis tensed up, quickly shaking their heads no. Y/n giggled, pushing out her chair and standing up. "I'm just joking...I'm going out for a smoke."

Before Thomas could stop her, she was already out the door.

She stepped onto the sidewalk, standing in the chilly night. She brushed the back side of her black dress, before reaching underneath and pulling out a small cigarette case, which she kept in the waist band of her shorts.

She unlocked it, popping it open and taking out a cig. As she started to walk down the sidewalk, closing the case and putting it back under her dress and in her shorts, she realized she had left her lighter.

"Ahhhh man!...I left the lighter??...Mmmmm." She whined, placing the cigarette in between her lips and patting the sides of her hips in search for her lighter.

"Need some fire?"

"Eh?" She whispered, turning to her left and into a dark alley that was next to the bar, to see a figure leaning against the wall.

He was dressed in all black from head to toe. He even wore gloves, sunglasses, a hat, and a mask, hiding every inch of skin and distinctive features.

"...You've got a lighter!?" Y/n skipped over to Dabi, him slightly taken aback by how ecstatic she was.

Aint this chick supposed to be in the Yakuza? She has a lot more personality than I expected....

"Yeah, I've got one."

"Can I use it?" She grinned, taking the cigarette out of her mouth and holding it between her pointer and middle finger.

If I light it with my quirk, I could risk revealing my identity...But it's better to establish my standing with her now than later.

Dabi lifted his hand, slipping off his glove. He brought his pointer finger near the cigarette, making y/n tilt her head. Suddenly, a blue flame escaped the tip of his finger, instantly lighting the drug.

Y/n's eyes widened, her mouth falling open. "A fire quirk? Cooooool." She smiled, leaning against the brick wall and taking an inhale of her smoke.

...So she doesn't know who I am just by using my Cremation quirk...Good to know. He leaned against the wall next to her, the two of them standing in silence as she smiled.

"...You're Eve, right? The violinist?"

Y/n turned to the capped man, nodding. "Yeah, that's me. You've seen me perform?"


"Did ya like it? Am I good??" She turned sideways so her arm was pressed into the brick, her gazing at Dabi for answers.

"...Yeah, you were."

"...So whats your name?" She asked, shaking her cig so the ash would fall off the end and onto the ground. "The names y/n. That's my first name. You can call me that because I don't like my last name. Eve is my stage name."

Wow she is really open about everything. She just straight up told me her government name...


"Dabi? It suits you."

Dabi turned to the girl, her eyes focused on the starry night sky above. "...You look sort of young to be smoking."

Y/n turned to him with a raised brow, before they snapped together. "What are ya, my dad?" She whined, making Dabi growl. She's literally acts like a child.

"Madam y/n!!"

Dabi and y/n turned towards the sidewalk to see Francis, his face wearing a panicked expression. "Ah, there you are!—Oh...Whose that?"

Y/n raised her brows, as if she didn't understand his question. "Huh?...Oh, him?" She asked, pointing her thumb to the man in black behind her. "This is a new friend I made."


Y/n pranced to Francis, waving goodbye to Dabi. "See you soon, right?"

Without letting him answer, y/n and Francis returned back inside the bar, leaving Dabi alone in an alley. ...She already considers me her friend?...

Her vulnerability is gonna be the death of her.

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