hand holding

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"YOU DIDN'T SHOW UP THE PAST COUPLE OF DAYS."' Dabi heard a honeyed, silky voice mutter, him looking over to see y/n turn the corner. She walked into the alley, jumping onto the dumpster and crossing her legs like she usually did. "Why?"

"...I had things to do."

"...What did you do?"

"This and that."

"...Where did you go?"

"Here and there."

"Boy, aren't you just full of information."

"And you're full of questions." He retorted, making y/n giggle.

"Haha, well they do say curiosity saved the cat!"

"...It's killed."


"Curiosity killed the cat. Not saved."

"In my situation, it's saved."

Dabi's brows pulled together, y/n pulling out her cigarette case, this time, it hiding in her bra underneath her dress. She opened the case and slipped out a cig, holding it out to Dabi. "Want one?"

"...I'm good." He mumbled, leaning against the wall and stuffing his hands in his pocket.

"Suit yourself...You wanna hide what's underneath your mask?" She questioned, lighting her cigarette with her lighter.


"It's fine if you do. I'm not really worried about what you look like underneath all that. I like my men mysterious. Besides," She pointed to her eyepatch. "I'm hiding something underneath here too."

"...Don't you have a boyfriend?"


"You said you liked your men mysterious. Don't you have one already?"

"Aaahhh, that...More like he has me...I'm his...property if you will." She shrugged, taking a puff of the drug that sat between his fingers. "When I'm out all alone, I'm free."

...So her relationship with Adam isn't good...I can use that to my advantage...Dabi felt his chest tighten in cringe. I'll have to...get her to...like me...If she trust me in that way, she'll drop her barrier...Christ the things I do to survive out here.

"...So your quirk. It's having super hot fire?" Y/n asked, making Dabi snap out of his thoughts. "I mean, when you lit my cig the other day, your flame was blue. Blue is the hottest type of fire, yeah?"

"Hm, so you're smarter than you look."

"Hey!" Y/n puffed her cheeks and puckered her lips, offended. "I'm extremely smart, if you must know. My quirk is super cool, too!"

Dammit, I was hoping she wouldn't tell me her quirk. That way she wouldn't suspect her being "unkillable" as a motive for me to be talking with her...

Y/n hopped down from the trash bin, throwing her cigarette on the ground and putting it out with her heel. "Hold up your hand."

Hesitantly, Dabi removed one of his arms from his pocket, lifting up his gloved-covered hand in front of him.

Y/n did the same, placing her hand directly in front of his. "...Try to touch my hand."

After a few seconds, Dabi slowly approached her hand, the space between them closing. But his hand stopped a few millimeters away, like their was an invisible wall standing between him and her.

A weird sensation coursed through him as he touched her barrier, his eyes shooting wide open. He could feel his heart beat in his head for a split second, startling him a bit.

Y/n smiled. "Ta-daaaaa." She whispered. "I don't know the name of my quirk, but I can create forcefields. They can range from as thin as paper to as thick as a large office building. Right now, my barrier is about 10 millimeters thick."

Dabi then noticed her fingers start to curl. Within a few seconds, she suddenly intertwined her fingers with his, holding his hand. For a fraction of a second, the same sensation shot up his spine, his heart pounding in his temples. Not only that, but his shoulders started to sag and his legs started to tingle.

...I can sense...when she drops her barrier?

"I can chose when I want to deactivate my forcefield." She grinned. "Which is why I can hold your hand now."

I can kill her right now...This might be the only chance I get for a while.

Just as his palm started to heat up, him ready to activate his quirk, y/n's hands unraveled from his, her barrier reactivating and leaving him millimeters away from her. "I don't keep it down for long though, it's like my blanket of protection." She chuckled.

Dabi dropped his hand back to his side. "...That's a cool quirk." Damn brat...I almost had her.

"...Well, I gotta go!" Y/n grabbed her cigarette case from the dumpster and slipping it back into her bra, walking towards the sidewalk. "I won't be back here till next Monday, so don't expect me, kay?"

"...Oi, eyepatch."

The girl stopped, turning to him with a curious expression.

"...Why do you keep coming back in this alley to see me?...And willingly?"

Y/n gazed blankly at him, before letting out a scoff through her nose. "...I like you, Dabi."

He raised his brows, not expecting that answer.

"...You're refreshing to talk to." She concluded, her leaving to return inside the bar.

...I won't see her for another 4 days...I'll have more time to thoroughly plan...

how I'll murder her.

how I'll murder her

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