32~ Necklaces & News

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When dinner was ready, Nancy and Mom called us down to eat. I ran as fast as I could, without hurting myself, to get to the dinning room.

Once everyone was in we dug in. The chicken fried steak was delicious. I missed my mom's cooking.

"So Nancy, how's work?" Dad asked, like they don't talk to each other all the time.

"What is it that you do again?" Mom asked.

"I work at the Brentwood Heights Law Firm. I actually just got promoted." She boasted. I rolled my eyes. I still hate how cocky she can get.

"That's nice" Mom answered.

"Yeah we're very proud of her" Dad said and put and hand over Nancy's.

I mentally gagged. Seriously Dad?! Mom is literally sitting right there?!

"Emmarie, honey, what's that on you finger?" Mom asked. She referred to my promise ring.

"It's a promise ring, Blake gave it to me. He even made it match my necklace." I reached up to grab my necklace but it wasn't there. I had a mini heart attack. I quickly stood up and ran to the living room.

"What's wrong Honey?" Mom asked coming into the living room.

I tore off the couch cushions and looked frantically through the couch, or what was left of it. I used my phone as a flashlight and looked under the couch. I looked on and around the coffee table. Nowhere it was nowhere.

I quickly ran upstairs and into my room. I looked at my nightstand, in my nightstand, and even behind my nightstand. I looked all around and under my bed and threw blankets and pillows everywhere. I looked all around my room and bathroom. Every crevice it could possibly be in, I checked frantically. I barged into Tracy's room where I had been to pick up Flint.

"I can't find it. It's missing. I can't find it" I hyperventilated and combed my hair back with a frustrated hand. Hot tears started streaming down my face and suddenly I couldn't breathe.

"Honey, what is it you can't find?" Mom came up behind me and soothingly touched my shoulder.

"M-my neck-necklace" I breathed out.

"I'm sure it's around here somewhere. Why don't we go eat dinner and I'll help you find it after dinner?" She said delicately.

"No. No! I need to find it now. You don't understand I need it" My breathing had slowed down, but now it sped back up again.

"Honey, you need to eat. You can find your necklace later."

"No. No. I need it" I breathed out shakily.

"Why are you so caught up on a necklace?"

"It's the necklace you got me after the accident. I makes me feel connected to Jaden." I cried.

"Oh." She whispered. "Well you're not going to find it running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Let's go eat dinner and think through last light and today and we'll see where it could be."

I nodded wordlessly and let her lead me back to the dining room.

We sat down and ate. We didn't say anything for the rest of dinner.


"Okay when was the last time you remember actually having it?" Mom asked. I was pacing my room ad she at calmly on my bed.

"I don't know before the party yesterday?" I guessed. 

"Okay so you wore it to the party?" She asked.

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