9~Fights & Family

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I walked into school Monday morning with everybody staring at me and whispering. I was confused as to why.

"Why is everybody staring at me?" I asked Carson.

Everywhere I looked someone was looking at me then trying to subtly whisper to their friend about it.

"You're all over the internet from Saturday"

"Oh my gosh no" I whined.

Carson just laughed at me.

"Yeah, a lot of girls are hella jealous that you got to meet One Direction"

"How much are you selling the t-shirt for?" a random girl asked.

"I'm sorry it's not for sale" I said and continued walking down the hall.

"I can't believe she wants to buy that t-shirt from me," I told carson.

"As I said some girls are hella jealous, well I gotta go see you at lunch" he turned the corner heading to his class.

"Bye" I waved at him


"You won't believe how many times I was asked if i was selling the shirt?" I slumped in a beanbag. I promised BJ, Lou and Dev that I would eat lunch with everybody in Berry's room.

"Really?" Dev asked.

"I can't stand it anymore" I groaned.

"Here's an idea, give it to me and it'll all go to me" BJ suggested.

"I can see straight through that BJ" I laughed.

"Oh well it was worth a shot" she shrugged and sank back into her beanbag.

"How's your day?" I asked Lou, who hasn't spoken yet. He stared blankly at the wall behind me. "Lou?" I asked.

"What?" he snapped out of his trance.

"Are you okay?" I worried about him.

"yeah , fine why?"

"Well you haven't talked since we got in here and you were just staring into space"

I looked at him with worry evident on my face.

"I'm seriously fine," he said confidently, but his face told a different story.


"Emmarie Bennett to the principal Wilkin's office" I was interrupted by the intercom.

"That's weird" I mumbled and started packing up my things. "We will finish this conversation later" I said and walked out of the door and made my way to the principal's office.


I walked into the office and sat down waiting for the secretary to allow me to go in.

"You may go in now," the peppy secretary said.

I stood up and walked into Blake sitting in a chair with an ice pack to his lip and his mom in another chair.

"Oh my gosh what happened?" I exclaimed.

"Please sit down Miss Bennett and I'll explain." Mrs.Wilkins said, gesturing to the empty chair by Brianna.

"What's going on?" I whispered to Brianna. She just shrugged in response.

"Mr. Martinez has gotten into a fight."

"Well that's obvious, I want to know what happened to my son"

"Please ma'am I'm trying to explain," Mrs. Wilkins pleaded. Brianna gave her an apologetic nod. "Blake got into a fight with another student. Our sources say that he was the first one to make contact."

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