10~ Dinner & Disney

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I walked up the front steps of Blake's house super nervous. I already knew his mom and him but I couldn't help but be nervous. I knew I probably was gonna mess this up so bad. I already messed stuff up with Jax today. I rang the football with a shaky hand. The door opened revealing Blake on the other side.

"Hey come on in" he said stepping aside letting me come through. "Don't be nervous, it's just my family." he shut the door behind me.

"You know how I am Blake" I said softly just in case anyone heard.

"I know my family more than anyone, trust me you'll be fine."

"Okay" I gave in, most of my nerves vanished just being with Blake.

All of a sudden I felt a tug on my oversized sweatshirt.

What? I get cold when I'm nervous.

I looked down to see a curly headed boy looking up at me with big brown eyes. He just stared at me and never said a word.

"Flint, you have to talk, remember people can't read your mind." Blake said sweetly to his little brother. It was so adorable.

"Hi," Flint said to me. "I'm Flint Dawson and I'm five years old"  he showed me a big five with his hand. I got on my knees to be even with his face.

"Hi Flint, I'm Emmarie" I smiled at him.

"E-Emmamie" he said looking proud that he said it.

"Yeah that's right Emmamie" i slightly laughed. He reached out his hand and I lightly shook it.

"Flint go wash your hands" a male said coming into view. I guessed it was his dad. Flint just ran away. I'm guessing into the bathroom.

"Hi, I'm Angus but everyone calls me Gus." he reached out his hand as well and i accepted the handshake.

"Blake, can you come get Avalon?" Brianna called from a back room.

"Coming" he called back before excusing himself and going back there.

"Your son is quite the gentleman," I said, trying really hard not to be awkward.

"Only when a pretty girl is around" Gus laughed.

Blake came back with a baby girl in his arms.

"Oh my gosh she's so cute, can I hold her?" Blake handed her over to me and I was in love.

With the baby not Blake!

Brianna came from the back of the house with her hair in a messy bun and comfy clothes. I transferred the baby to my hip.

"Hi Emmarie I'm so sorry I look really bad I'm going to go change."

"No no no you don't have to go change if you don't want to, I completely understand." I rushed out. "You really don't have to change on my account."

"You are a blessing Emmarie. Blake has driven me crazy today." we all laughed except for blake.

"Let's eat," Gus said.

"Blake please help set the table," Brianna ordered.

"Yes ma'am' he said before scooting past us and into what I guessed was the kitchen or dining room. Everyone else started going in the same direction, I followed suit with the baby still in my hands. I put her in her high chair and strapped her in.

"You didn't have to do that sweetie." Brianna said

"Oh it's fine I don't mind" I waved her off. I looked around the table at the only two open seats and sat in one.

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