BoxTower mean while)
(Fink pov)
I can't believe that ko and tko are my brothers and y/n is My sister in law to and I'm an aunt and I wonder how they are doing in Japan it's ko and tko first time going over their and I'm glad that dad is back to normal now and my dads were happy to be grandpas now since y/n and ko got married and had 2 kids and Shannon and Raymond and Darrell they were very excited that they were aunt and uncles when she had 2 kids ask for my dads they were crying of joy and they got to hold them and they look at y/n and said welcome to family sweetie and she smiled at them and ko was happy with them and they got really worried about About the baby so around the place they had the baby proof everything So yeah Darrell Shannon and Raymond were not allowed to hold the babies because my our dads were too afraid that something will happen to them and so yeah .(Boxman pov )
can't believe I have 2 sons already ko and Tko and have a daughter-in-law but I was overprotective with the little ones when they were born I shared it baby proof the whole thing Siri hard and very scary because I was very afraid that the kids might get hurt but the babies were all fine they were still smalle a little bundle Joyce but I was happy that I have 2 sons and a daughter-in-law to I really hope how their doing in Japan because I am afraid that something my bad happened but that means I can't stop thinking about the bad things that happened since 8 months past when that woman ash possessed to my husband and he really happy that he has grandchildren and we were so happy and I can't wait for them to come home .(Venomous pov )
I'm really worried about my my 2 sons and my daughter in law and her kids and I heard they went to Japan for 3 months and I can't help to be worried about them and i stay their remembering that girl ash broken that she was told lies and she thought no one loved her but they did love her but she was busy believe that dark past keeps coming back to her and she killed her own parents and try to kill her little brother and my 2 sons and my daughter in law as well and I hope she never come back ever again but I heard that someone killed her at the waterfall and I couldn't believe it and everyone else couldn't believe it either and none of it matter now the good thing she gone now .(Mean while at Japan)
(Swift pov)
I can't believe that ash killed are parents for she was told lies by someone but we don't know know it was but actually I do wish that I could help her out but even if I try to and she will never listen to anyone else and I glad she will never hurt anyone else anymore and I promise mom and dad I will never let you down we only have 2 months left to go back home and I'm happy that ko and y/n are happy together and they had kids and got married to and I'm glad that I'm uncle and I hope those kids grow up happy childhood better than my childhood past and I have to explain to them when they are older.(Dendy pov)
Woah Japan is really amazing and I hope nothing happens to ko and y/n and the kids and they told us everything what they said to the kids what happened to ash and we were shock and we ask what did you say to them and they explained everything else and I realized that she was told lies by someone that said no one loved her but they did love her she wouldn't listens to anyone and good thing that she would never hurt anyone else anymore.(Tko pov)
Welp we have 2 more months left to go back home and I'm glad ash is no longer here to hurt anyone and everyone forgot about her now and we can't believe that and I'm happy ko and y/n and the kids to and they finally went on their date and the wedding they had was great and ask for are 2 dads were crying none stop at the wedding and they were very happy to be grandpas now and I can't wait to spend time with them and my other siblings to .

OK KO Let's Be Heroes ko x reader
Acakyour childhood best friend name Swift half wolf and half human he's a boy and he dislike ko and tko he always told you on the phone their are nothing but trouble to you and when you guys we're little had to move away to Japan because your father go...