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"I hate him!" Casie exclaimed as we watched the movie Titanic, which she picked out. She was talking about the fiancé that was engaged to Rose, the main character.

I agreed, to into the movie to use my words so instead, a nod of my head was all that she got. We were both into the movie, with the shared blanket sprawled out onto us and a huge bowl of popcorn that had been half-eaten through. The only light was the glow of the television and the streetlights outside.

We watched the ship started to sink, and I felt my stomach sink even though I had seen this movie a million times. Casie picked it out saying that she had never watched it, which was dumbfounding to me. It was a classic.

Time with Casie was always enjoyable, she was always like a little sister to me. She and I had a cute friendship because of the countless times Colson had dropped her off with me to keep her company.

I was always the person she called for girly things, like boys or personal stuff. It was nice, as pathetic as it sounds, to feel as though someone enjoyed my company.

By the end of the movie, it was already midnight, and I could tell Casie was tired. I guess I shouldn't have let her stay up this late to watch a movie.

But before I could tell her to go ahead and get some rest in the guestroom down the hall, I stood up and almost fell back down from feeling lightheaded.

I stood for a moment, wobbling back and forth while I felt the room spin. My head was dizzy, but it stopped as soon as it started.

I took a deep breath in and decided it was either I stood up to fast or was dehydrated, so I went into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water. I leaned against the counter, it was dark except for the light from the streetlamps shining through the window. I took sips while thoughts came to my mind about the silly situation I was in.

Colson Baker, a beloved musician, had talked interest in me, his best friend's long-term girlfriend. I had slept with this man, spent the night with him while Pete had to work-related things to do. I had given my body to Colson knowing how wrong it was to do so.

The worst part about it was that I didn't feel bad because I had been cheating on Pete. I felt bad because I know how bad this would hurt Pete. I didn't feel sorry about my actions, but I did when I knew it would hurt people.

I was a homewrecker in my own home.

How disgusting.

I gulped my water and sat it down on the counter before returning to the living room. Casie had called asleep peacefully with the glare of the tv shining on her cute little face. I hated to wake her, but I didn't want her to sleep on the couch when there was a perfectly good bed for her to sleep on while I wait for her dad to pick her up.

"Hey," I said gently shaking Casie making her let out a small groan, " You should go into the guest room to sleep, it'll feel better."

She shook her head and tossed the blanket over her shoulder and ignored me. I stood tall and looked down at her work my hands on my hips. Should I just pick her up? She's not that big, yeah she's not gonna get up on her own.

I bent down and gently put my arms under her and lifted her like a baby, the blanket still covering her. She opened one eye to look at me as I walked with her in my arms to the bedroom. I placed her down watching her stir until she got comfortable.

"Dad does that a lot," she mumbles, clearly too sleepy to move her mouth.

I raise my eyebrows before asking, "Does what?"

She huffed as she turned around with her back to me, "Picks me up when I fall asleep on the couch."

I chuckle and pull her blanket up to her neck, making sure she's covered. I walk to the door and give her one last glance before closing the door softly.

Drown For Me//Colson BakerWhere stories live. Discover now