Origamis - First Part

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Chongyun sighed as he opened his locker for what it felt to be the fifth time of the day, even though it wasn't even past 10am. A piece of paper fell from the locker. It was a nice white paper nicely folded in the shape of a plane. It was so tiny that the person who made it must have mastered the art of origamis.

The ice-like boy sighed again, taking the piece of paper without bothering to unfold it and putting it in his backpack, already filled with books.

-"Arf... again those paper planes..."

-" Why is it bothering you that much? I think it's kinda cute to have a secret admirer!" Suddently said Xingqiu, appearing from behind Chongyun's back with his usual smug face.

Xingqiu was his best friend and his total opposite. While Chongyun was cold and seemed kind of inaccessible for any sane person, Xingqiu was nice to everyone that crossed his path. He was always loud and the other boy kept the silence. They were very different but liked eachother anyway. As friends.

-"What are you talking about? This is not a secret admirer, it's just some creep leaving piece of expensive paper in my locker!" Chongyun retort.

-"Think what you want, Yun-Yun, but I still think it could be nice to know who they are..." Xingqiu replied, looking away a small smile on the face.

-"How could I? They keep hiding from me! I have no clue where to start!" Chongyun added, fully turning to face his friend.

-"Soooo, you'd like to know who they are don't you?" Xingqiu continued with bright eyes.

-"No!" Chongyun replied, quicker than he though he would.

The navy blue haired boy raised an eyebrow and did the "I know you don't think what you just said" look.

-"I mean... yes..." The light-blue haired boy let out, twisting slightly his fingers.

-"See!" Xingqiu shouted with a wink.

-"Can you help me just for this time?" He shyly asked.

-"How come the honorable but so cold-hearted Chongyun is asking for help?" Said Xingqiu, half joking.

-"Sadly, yes."

-"Stop doing that face, you're creeping me out, Mr Grumpy." He continued jokingly.

Teasing his friend must have been Xingqiu's favourite thing, as well as Chongyun's slight blush he did everytime he would tease him.

-" Don't call me that, Xing." The light-blue haired blue whined.

Here goes the nickname, Xingqiu felt so weak when Chongyun called him that, so he quickly answered:

-"Right, right... so, I may or may not have an idea about who this secret admirer could be..."

-"Seriously? Just tell me already!" He cut his best friend.

-"It wouldn't be fun if I told you, my liege!" The bookworm retorted with a wide evil smile.

-"Who cares about you having fun or not? I just want to know!" Chongyun let out, a bit irritated.

-"Shhhh! All I can tell is that they're in your next class~"

-"Thanks Mr Helpful."

-" You're welcome! Now I have to go back to my own class, have fun trying to figure out who your secret-not-so-secret admirer is!" He left, squeezing one last time Chongyun's hand, as always.

The squeezing hands thing was their own thing, and Chongyun wouldn't let anyone but Xingqiu do it. It was his mean to say "I'm not leaving forever, I'll come back soon!". The light-blue haired boy used to suffer from severe social anxiety, and hated to be left alone. He still freaks out sometimes when he's lost in a crowd, but Xingqiu's always there to calm him down, simply by his presence. He used this way to reassure the cold boy the first time he saw one of his crisis and they kept doing it from this day.

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