Origamis - Fourth part

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It's been about a week since Xingqiu left the shop without any explanation. The same amont of time flew by since the two's last talk.
Everytime Chongyun tried to reach for Xingqiu, the other would just ignore him or run away, same goes with the texts: usually Xingqiu would answer him right away  but now he would just drop some "seen", and Chongyun would feel even more bad, because there were no more excuses such as "He ran out of battery for his phone", "he's just sleeping and didn't see my text" or "he's busy with his studies".

Xingqiu felt bad for not answering his best friend, but he thought that was what was best to do.

The strange origamis also stopped to appear in Chongyun's locker: Xingqiu didn't have the heart to continue this stupid thing. Now that his best friend had a crush, what was the point of continuing? Or even confessing at all?

One day, Hu Tao showed up to Xingqiu's desk:

-"Hey what's wrong, Mr bookworm?"

-"Hm?" The aforementioned boy put his book on the table, looking at his friend.
"Hi Hu Tao, what can I do for you?"

-"Something's wrong between Chongyun and you, and you're gonna tell me what's happening."

-"Hm, care to tell me what you're talking about? Nothing's wrong between Chongyun and me."

-"See, you're not even calling him by one if those nicknames. Something's clearly wrong."

-"Well, you should stop assuming things because nothing's happening, and it'll never."

-"Tell me, you know I'm not leaving you until you're telling me."

-"Even if something was indeed wrong, which is absolutely not the case, I wouldn't tell you-"

-"You're acting so childish right now, Xingqiu, did you two had an argument or something? No, I know, he cheated didn't he?"

-"No, he didn't- wait what? No! We're not even together?!"

-"You're not?"

-"We're not."

-"You're not? You're sure? You seemed to be so close together, I could have swore upon my future funeral company that you were a thing."

-"Swear upon what? Anyway, we're not a couple, and we'll never be? He doesn't even see me like that-"

-"Yes he does. And I'll prove you!"

-"Stop telling non-sens, my feelings will never be reciprocated."

-"What do you mean they won't? Yes they will!"

-"But he told me he had a crush! And I'm pretty sure that's not- wait a second..."


-"Why am I telling you all of that? I.pretty sure that's none of your business."

-"Because I'm your friend, and now that I know everything, I'll help you because that's what friends do!"

-"You're too much, I don't know how can Yan Fei support you all the time."

-"You should ask her! Anyway, avoiding him is not what's gonna help you confess, dumbass!"

-"Good for me because I didn't plan on confessing soon."

-"Yes you do, now be cooperative and help me find a solution."

-"I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm avoiding him now."

-"Well, that's what you did-"

-"You're not helping me right now!"

-"Oops, sorry! I'll text him that you'll go see him to talk about some serious topic."

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