Origamis - Third Part

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It's been about a week since Xingqiu left the shop without any explanation. The same amont of time flew by since the two's last talk. Everytime Chongyun tried to reach for the bookworm, the other would just ignore him or run away, same goes with the texts: usually Xingyun would answer him right away but now, he would just drop some "seen", and Chongyun would feel even more bad, because there were no more excuses such as "He ran out of battery for his phone", "he's just sleeping and didn't see my text" or "he's busy with his studies".

The strange origamis also stopped to appear in his locker, but the cold boy didn't pay much attention to this little detail. What he wanted the most was Xingqiu to talk to him again like before. He didn't even know what he did wrong, did he say something bad? Did he do something bad? He couldn't remember what their last conversation was about... wasn't it about Chongyun's crush? Or was it about the origamis thing?

He tried to remember their last talk as he laid in his bed, his hair shaking with the gentle breeze going through his opened window.
He told the navy-blue haired boy about his mysterious crush and let out that he wouldn't date them because he was already found of someone else... wait.

Was Xingqiu the boy who sent the origamis in his locker?

No, this seemed to be a stupid idea, if his best friend (and crush) liked him, he would have told him directly, wouldn't he? From Chongyun's perspective, Xingqiu was kind of bold and didn't like to do complicated, preferring to say what was on his mind, even if that meant hurting someone or their feelings.

But what if he wasn't as bold as he thought he was?

Chongyun became more and more distant and anxious as Xingqiu ignored him. He didn't even pay attention in class anymore and often would zone out, being brought back by his classmate Venti or even professors who hopefully didn't mind that much most of the time.
Venti even asked him a few time what was wrong, but even himself didn't know. He did miss his best friend, but why was he acting like that? That couldn't only be because he was his only close friend (and also his crush), after all he still had people who cared for him just like his father or his friend Venti, even the goth girl (who he forgot the name again) supported him.

Speaking of the devil, the aforementioned girl texted him, advising him to give Xingqiu space and that he'd understand when they'd talk.

Did she know what was happening with Xingqiu?

The icy boy let out a sigh before grabbing his phone and texting for what felt like the hundredth time his best friend.
He didn't answer the other times, but it was worth the try.

He started typing lazily on the phone, asking if they could meet this weekend.
Surprisingly, the "seen" mark quickly appeared on his phone and the bookworm answered immediately with a simple "yes of course my liege, meet me in front of mine's Saturday at 2pm. ^^"

Chongyun stared blankly at the phone, he didn't believe he answered while he's been ignoring him for the whole week.
He then happily answered the text with a "Yeah sure, I'm glad you answered, how have you been? You seemed off for the last week, and we didn't seem to have cross paths..."

Of course, this was a lie because Xingqiu has been deliberately ignoring him for the past week.

But this time, Xingqiu left him on seen once again without going further more. The cold boy's smile loosen and disappeared. He sighed loudly "At least he doesn't completely hate me since he accepted a meeting" he bitterly though.

The next day came soon and Chongyun was looking forward to it. He prepared to finally see his friend: he put on nice casual clothes and left the apartment he shared with his father, who started to become worried about the state his son was in lastly, he hadn't heard of the bookworm for awhile but he just hoped nothing too serious happened between the two of them.

The cold boy sped his pace, soon seeing Xingqiu's house which was a pretty big one, since his parents owned the Feiyuun Commerce Guild, a group a famous and rich traders from all Liyue.

Once arrived in front of the gates of the enormous house, he rang the bell, waiting for Xingqiu to show up. The boy eventually arrived, greeting shyly his friend without looking at him in the eyes. Chongyun didn't point it out, putting every efforts he could so that Xingqiu wouldn't feel any guilt and instead feel comfortable like he used to be.

He was so glad to see that his friend seemed to be doing pretty good. Except for the eyebags which started to appear underneath his beautiful golden eyes. He missed the guy so much that he was beginning to be afraid that he would vanish again if he touched him.

He naturally but slowly untertwinned their hands together like hey used to. The bookworm blushed and they started walking in a dead silence, only making a few chit chats, asking for trivial things like how they were feeling since their last talk or what they had planed on doing on the next holidays.

They finally arrived in a small park, not so far away from where the two of them lived, and sat on a bench, by a surprisingly empty kid playground. Chongyun swore he hadn't felt this awkward in his whole life, and didn't know what to do to loosen the tension between them, he eventually started to open his mouth but quickly closed it, thinking again of what he could say.

Xingqiu started talking, nervousness visible on his face, making Chongyun look at him.

-"Erm, listen, I know I shouldn't have ran away this day. Neither did I have to ignore you this whole week. I'm sorry."

-"Oh, its fine, I'm sure you had your reasons... of course you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, or just don't feel like it right now." The cold boy said, trying to make him feel comfortable.

-"Actually, I accepted the meeting to tell you everything. I thought about asking you sooner, but... well you did before me..."

-"Yeah, I guess I did-" He answered shyly, rubbing his neck.

-"Okay, so now, can you... just listen to me?" Xingqiu stated, more serious than ever.

-"Of course, Xin'." Chongyun nodded quickly.

Xingqiu breathed in and out expecting it to making him relax a bit (which didn't work) before starting to explain:

-"Ok so, you remember the origamis that stopped like a week ago?"


Cliffhanger ehe
Hope you enjoyed this chapter, nothing important happened, but I still don't feel like it's a filler chapter, so idk-
Hope you enjoyed still, cuz I did have fun writing this :0
(Also  sorry for the delay, school started again and since I'm on my last year of high-school, there are a lot of things going on rn, but I'll do my best to finish this fic!)

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