Chapter 4

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Charlotte's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning next to Shawn, he was still sleeping, I turned around and checked the time on my phone, 6:42. I turned back around and kissed Shawn and a smile appeared on his face, he opened his eyes slowly,

"Good morning," He said stretching, his hair was flat but he still looked really nice,

"Good morning," I said back, I sat up and so did Shawn and he kissed me, and then he got out of bed,

"Going to get ready, I'll go in the bathroom," Shawn said and I nodded and got out of bed too,

I rummaged through my bags and found my leggings and a plain white t-shirt, I threw them on quickly.

Just as I finished, Shawn knocked on the door,

"Hey, I'm ready" I said and he walked in, he had his hair all done and he had his blue t-shirt on and his black skinny jeans,

"You look really pretty," Shawn said, as I started putting my makeup on, I had watched some makeup tutorials to know how to do it,

"Thank you, you look nice too," I said smiling at him through the mirror, he smiled back

I curled my hair quickly, and got my school bag ready and then we went downstairs. We put our shoes on and left the house,

We started walking along the street to get to school. I felt Shawn's hand brush against mine,

"I know this is really stupid, but even though we just met, I feel like I'm in love with you," Shawn said, we both stopped and I stared at him,

"I think I'm in love with you too," I said and he moved in closer to me, he held my hand and kissed me, and we walked the rest of the way to school holding hands.

When we arrived at school, there was lots of people everywhere, I was starting to get worried, I squeezed his hand tighter,

"Hey, don't worry, you will be fine," he said and I nodded, Shawn took me to the student office and stood with me,

"Hi, um I'm Charlotte Benson, I'm new here," I said and looked at Shawn he winked at me and I chuckled and turned around,

"Ah yes, here is your timetable and your form class, if you have any questions don't hesitate to find me," she said and I smiled and nodded

"I will thank you," I said turning around and facing Shawn. I handed him my timetable,

"Ok so you're in my classes and my form class, which is 10h," Shawn said and I nodded,

"Come on I'll take you to our form tutor," he said and I followed him like a lost sheep, when we walked through the corridors, there was lots of people pushed up against the lockers and snogging,

"Yeah don't worry bout them, they are a lot older than us," he said and I shook my head and caught back up to him

When we got to our form, there was nobody in there apart from the teacher,

"Good morning Shawn," he said to Shawn as Shawn approached him,

"Hello Mr Jameson, this is your new student, Charlotte Benson," Shawn said ,

"Well hello Charlotte, I hope you have a great time at Pine Ridge Secondary school," he said and we walked off to the lockers that were downstairs on the corridor,

When we got to the corridor, it was jam packed it was unbelievable, there was people crowding around lockers and passing stuff around and screaming,

"Here, just put your stuff in my locker for now," Shawn said as I took my timetable and put my bag in Shawn's locker.

When Shawn was putting his bag in his locker someone shoved Shawn into the locker and started jumping all over him and screaming,

"Nash, Nash! Calm down," Shawn said laughing, I noticed that the crazy boy, Nash, had bright blue eyes which were really nice and stood out,

"Nash this is Charlotte, Charlotte this is Nash," Shawn said and Nash smiled so I smiled back,

"Hey, my names Hamilton Nash Grier, but you can call me Nash," he said shaking my hand,

"I'm Charlotte Benson but you can call me Charlie," I said and then the bell rang,

"Ok we'll see you later Nash," Shawn said giving Nash a high five and then we walked off,

"Yeah um he's weird, he's in the year above us so you might not see him often," Shawn said as we walked together and I laughed,

"Ok so we need to go to music which is just along here," Shawn said pointing along the corridor,

When we got there, everyone was in the class sitting around singing and dancing, we quickly snuck in quietly with nobody seeing us and we sat in the corner, Shawn picked up the guitar and strummed it,

"I was working on this yesterday when you were sleeping, it's not much," he said and started playing the guitar,

"I know that we just met, maybe this is dumb. It feels like there was something from the moment that we touched,
Cause it's alright, it's alright, I wanna make you mine,
The way you're lighten up the room caught the corner of my eye. We can both sneak out the back door we don't have to say goodbye
Cause it's alright, it's alright, I wanna make you mine,
Maybe I'm just a kid in love, maybe I'm just a kid in love, oh baby, if this is what it's like falling in love,then I don't ever wanna grow up, keep it cool if it's the two of us, but I don't ever wanna grow up, cause I got it a-a-all yeah, a-a-all yeah, I don't ever wanna grow up," Shawn sang and put the guitar down,

"Wow, that's really good," I said hugging him, I felt his arms go around my waist and then someone came in,

"Thanks, I know it's not finished but," Shawn said and I looked at the woman that came in, she must have been the teacher,

"It's really good, did you write it yourself ?" I asked and he nodded. I was astonished, he was so talented,

"Ok good morning class," she said and everyone said good morning, Shawn took my hand and whispered in my ear,

"I think we should go and tell miss your new to the class," he said and I nodded and he got up and walked to the front and I followed,

"Hey miss, this is Charlotte, she's new," Shawn said and she turned around,

"Hello Charlotte, I'm Ms Parker your new music teacher, Shawn will tell you what we have been learning," she said and we went and sat back down,

when the lesson finished, we went back to Shawn's locker, I hope the next lesson was going to be good

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