Chapter 6

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Shawn's P.O.V

We arrived at the hospital not long after, the sirens were so loud it felt like my ears were bleeding, I looked at Charlotte, she kept opening her heavy eyes which made me laugh a bit because it looked like she was on drugs. I felt shivers run through my spine as I walked past people who were staring at me and the hairs on the back of my neck were standing on end. I placed my hands on my elbows and felt my cold skin, I looked down and saw that I was top less. My mind was all over the place I felt dizzy and sick but I still carried on running after Charlotte,

We went around the corner unexpectedly, I lost my balance and crashed straight into the wall, my stomach felt like it was being turned really slowly, it felt like I was dying a slow and painful death. I managed to get my self up and to the waiting room where I waited for my Mom to arrive. I put my elbows on one knee and interlocked my fingers together and tapped my leg, I was sitting there for at least twenty minutes before I decided to get my song book out of my pocket and started writing some more lyrics to 'Kid In Love'

I was getting so into it that I didn't even realise my Mom was sitting right beside me until I felt her arm brush against mine by accident, I looked up at her, I could see her mouth moving but no words were being spoken, images were spinning around in my head of Holly holding the knife up to her, after that I zoned back to real life, my throat was dry and I couldn't breathe, I didn't know what was happening. I could see my Mom crying, she was shouting and doctors started gathering around me with equipment I didn't know the name of.

Around ten minutes later, I was back to my old self, I was lying in a hospital bed, I sat straight up and saw my Mom and Aaliyah sitting in the chairs across the other side of the room. My Mom moved closer to me.

"Sweetie, how are you feeling?" She asked but I ignored her, I felt as if I couldn't think of any other words but one word. Charlotte. Once again my throat started swelling up and I couldn't breath again, my Mom put an oxyen mask on my face and I held it n my face,

"Charlotte," I said taking the mask off my face, my voice was quiet like I had a sore throat, I held the mask back up to my face,

"Charlottes fine, they are sorting her out she'll be home by tomorrow," My Mom said and I just nodded, I glanced around the room,

"What's happening to me?" I asked my Mom, she didn't look concerned so it mustn't be that bad. I took a quick glimpse of Aaliyah who was playing with her princesses.

"Honey, you had a panic attack, the doctors said you were stressed, getting worried about something and obviously I knew straight away it was Charlotte. You have to be careful Shawn because this might become a regular thing," She said and I nodded,

"Mom, if she dies..." I started and she shook her head as I started my sentence, I looked at her confusingly,

"Shawn don't say that, nothing is going to happen to Charlotte, she is in good hands where her family can't find her, they don't know that she's here," She said and I nodded, I then realised that I had my hoodie on, the one I gave Charlotte the day I met her, God she looked perfect.

"Shawn you do realise that you have done all that you can," She said but before I could reply a police officer came in, I looked at him my Mom took Aaliyah out of the room and left the police to talk to me, he sat in the chair closest to me,

"Hello, Shawn do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" He asked and my face froze, I swallowed and nodded waiting for him to get his pen and paper out,

"Ok so could you tell me what happened today and names would be helpful if you wouldn't mind telling me?" he said and I nodded, I took my mind back to what happened, I grabbed the oxygen mask and kept it in my hand,

"I was waiting for Charlotte, I said I'd wait for her outside while she was getting changed, I heard her scream really loudly so I ran into the changing room and Charlie was pined up against the wall by Holly Johnson, I got her to back away from her and then she left, we stayed in the changing rooms and then the lights went off, two older boys dragged me back and kept me up against the wall, I couldn't get out and then Charlotte screamed and they ran off laughing and then I realised she had been stabbed," I said and he was writing my every word onto the paper.

"Ok Shawn, do you know who the laughing was coming from or who the two boys were than dragged you away?" He asked and I shook my head, he closed his note pad and got out of his chair,

"That's all for now, we may have to interview you again soon, Shawn don't worry Charlotte will be fine," He said and I nodded and lay back in the bed and waited for my Mom to come back in,

2I heard the door shut,

"Mom?" I said sitting up and she came back in on her own without Aaliyah, she had a foam cup in her hand,

"It's just me don't worry," She said coming closer to me and I threw my arms around her and hugged her tightly, I let go of her and sat back again,

"Where is Aaliyah?" I asked , waiting for my Mom to finished gulping her coffee,

"She's gone down to the play room, some boy asked her to go down with him and she said yes," My Mom said smiling and I laughed,

"Haha she's got a new boyfriend now has she," I said laughing and my Mom laughed, I put the xyge mask back on my face for a few seconds and then put it down,

"Speaking of boyfriend, are you Charlottes?" she said and I shrugged, I love Charlotte but it's not the same feeling for her,

"Have you not told her how you feel about her?" she sad and I shook my head, I wanted to tell her but I never had the courage to do it, I could sing infront of my whole school and I couldn't tell one girl that I fancied her and ask her out,

"Well when she is stable, you can go in and see her and then tell her and if she's still sleeping then tell her practise saying to hr while she's not paying attention and then you can do it again when she wakes up," My Mom said and I nodded,

"Get some rest and I'll be back soon," She said, I didn't say anything I just lay back and closed my eyes

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