Chapter 9

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Charlotte's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning lying next to Shawn, I turned around and smiled at him, causing my wound to irritate me. I clinched my eyes shut tightly until the pain went away. Shawn was still asleep snoring quietly. I turned back around slowly to check the time. It read 6:48. Sighing, I buried my head in the pillows.

"Hey what's wrong?" Shawn said waking up. Shit. I felt really bad that I awoke him, I just laughed and he laughed.

"What?" He said, moving the pillow away from my face, he just stared at me with a smile on his face.

"It's early, like too early" I said to him, he leaned over me to get his phone, and laid back on his side.

"Ergh, 6:53, really?!" He said and then looked at me, he got closer to me,

"That's your fault," he said laughing and I kept laughing,

"What, what's my fault?" I said, at this time we were face to face, he kissed me, it felt nice when he kissed me.

"That its 6:53, you woke me up." he said and I laughed as he lay back, I love Shawn so much,

"I didn't mean too, it's not my fault you're a light sleeper," I said, I was going to finish off ranting but he interrupted me.

"Babe, babe, I was joking," he said laughing, I love his laugh, it's not a normal laugh but it's not a weird laugh. it's sort of in the middle.

"I love you Shawn," I said and kissed him on the cheek, I felt my face blushing. How embarrassing,

"I love you too, Charlotte," He said and I blushed even more. Oh God.

"What do you want to do today?" I asked and he shrugged his shoulders.

"I was going to do a cover today, but I don't know if I should." he said and I nodded with a smile on my face,

"Yeah you should," I said, he just smiled at me, and then got up, I leaned forward,

"If we get ready now then we can start straight away," he said and I nodded and got up and went over to the drawer. I pulled out a white t-shirt and shorts.

When I was done, I sat on the bed and waiting for Shawn to get ready, he came back in a few seconds later. He was wearing a white t-shirt, basketball shorts and a grey beanie. His hair was all nicely done and he looked so nice.

"You ready?" He said and I nodded and walked over to the camera. He picked up his guitar from the corner of the room and sat infront of the camera.

"Ready." he said and I clicked the start button on the camera and watched him through the little screen.

"Hey guys, my names Shawn Mendes and today I'm going to be doing a cover of Wanted by Hunter Hayes, if you guys enjoy this cover then please like comment and subscribe. I'm gonna put my Twitter up here in a little box so if you wanna follow me then go ahead that's cool. Alright here we go," he said and then started strumming the guitar.

"You know I'd fall apart without you, I don't know how you do what you do, cause everything that don't make sense about me, makes sense when I'm with you. Like everything that's green, girl, I need you, but it's more than one and one makes two, put aside the math and the logic of it, you gotta know you're wanted too. Cause I wanna wrap you up, wanna kiss your lips, I wanna make you feel wanted, and I wanna call you mine, wanna hold your hand forever, and never let you forget it, yeah I wanna make you feel wanted..." Shawn sang beautifully. He carried on singing till the end of the song. When he was done, he got up and I quickly clicked stop.

"That was really good," I said and he smiled,

"Thanks," he said, I got up and sat down, he came and sat next to me and I handed him the camera and he watched it,

"Is that what I actually sound like?" he said and I laughed and shook my head, his voice was perfect.

"I've got an idea, my Mom and Dads at work and Aaliyah's at school, so why don't I make the two of us a nice dinner?" He said and I nodded,

"Sounds great," I said smiling, he put on his shoes quickly,

"I'm running to the shop, stay here watch TV or something and I'll be back in about 10 minutes," he said as he ran down the stairs.

Shawn's P.O.V

After I had got my ingredients from the shop, I started walking home,

I got half way along the street to the house when I seen a man, it was Charlottes dad, I pulled my phone out my shorts pocket and ran around the corner,

"Charlotte it's me, whatever you do, don't answer the door ok, I'm coming through the back door, I'll be 2 minutes ok," I said to her,

"Ok, I'll not answer it bye,"

"I love you," I said

"I love you too," she said and then I put the phone down, I jumped across the back gate, and jumped over the other gates until I got to my garden,

I pulled the handle on the door, but it wouldn't open, I looked around for a way in. I seen the kitchen window was open a tiny bit. Yes! I opened it a bit more and crawled through, dropping a plate on the floor at the same time,

I left it and ran upstairs, I heard the door open,

"Shawn, is that you?" She said, I ran quickly to the top of the stairs, nearly taking her out,

"It's me, don't worry," I said hugging her tightly, just then there was a knock on the door, I went downstairs,

"Shawn stop," Charlotte said grabbing my hand, I looked back,

"Don't worry, I'll be ok, ring the police now, just incase," I said and then went downstairs.

I opened the front door and he was standing there,

"Is there anything I can help you with Sir?" I asked him, my hands were shaking,

"Yeah, have you seen this girl? bit of a tramp, can't remember the family she is staying with" he asked me showing me a flyer which had a picture of charlotte on when she was younger. I shook my head. I took the flyer out of his hands

"No I'm sorry, if I see her I'll ring you on this number sir," I went back into the house and shut the door,

He slammed open the door and seen Charlotte standing in the hall way,

"I thought I recognised you from somewhere," he said and stabbed me in the back, I fell to the floor,

"Hello whore, long time no see, that will be you next," he said pointing at me,

"Charlotte, out the back door, hop the gardens until you see a wall and jump over it and run along that road until you come to the Main Street, get in the shops, I love you, " I said, and then she ran off and her Dad followed.

I shut my eyes, and lay there

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