Chapter 14

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Charlotte's P.O.V
I woke up the next morning with the birds chirping outside my window, I had gotten about a million text messages off Shawn asking if I was alright and if I would meet him later on but I just ignored them,

I pulled out my laptop and searched for his YouTube channel and of course I found it, he had uploaded a few more covers so I watched them. By the end of the last video I had tears strolling down my face, he has changed so much since then his voice, his face just everything.

I didn't feel like having any breakfast today so I just sat downstairs and watched some TV while Jenny and David were at work. I was in the middle of an episode of Once Upon A Time when I got a message, I didn't recognise the number but I looked at the text anyways,

Hey it's Nash! Brooke gave me your number, I was just texting to say that I'm out of town today or I would have came over and seen you but Cam said he'd come over and see if you were alright, he'll be over soon -Nash :)

I quickly locked my phone and darted up the stairs to get ready, I threw on leggings and a Nike hoodie, the one Shawn gave me actually, and ran to get washed and to brush my teeth. Once I was finished I out some concealer on and mascara and went back downstairs and sat on the couch,

Within minutes, there was a knock on the door so I got up to answer it, I opened the door and Cameron was standing there with shorts and a t-shirt with his name on the corner,

"Hey, nice shirt," I said and allowed him into the house, he stepped in and I shut the door behind him and took him into the living room,

"Thanks, it's my merch t-shirt," he said and I sat down and he sat next to me,

"Cool, so what do you do to have your own merch?" I said turning the TV off and facing him, he had a huge smile on his face and to be honest he was quite good looking,

"I'm a viner, check me out sometime 'Cameron Dallas' they are a bit weird and wacky but..." He started,

"'re Cameron Dallas?" I asked and he smiled and nodded, I was speechless what the fuck Cameron Dallas is sitting in my house,

"I had heard of you and my friends at school love you and shit but I never knew what you looked like and now I know why they fantasise over you,"

"Haha, yeah well I'm Cameron nice to meet you," he said placing his hand out as an offering for me to shake it and I did so,

We watched TV for a while and laughed and messed around for a few hours, Cams phone went off loads with Twitter messages and everything but it didn't really matter to me, we ate food and then Cameron left.

About an hour after Cam left, there was another knock on the door, I went to open it and when I did Shawn was standing there worried and shaking in the cold wet rain,

"Hey come in," I said to him and allowed him in the house, I ran upstairs to get a towel and some pants for Shawn,

I came back down and handed him the joggers but he shook his head and took the towel,

"I have spare in my backpack but thanks," He said and I threw the towel across the room, Shawn took off his jeans and I quickly turned around,

"Why are you turning around for? You've seen me in my boxers before Char," He said and I put my hands on my head,

"Yeah Shawn that was when we were dating," I said,

"Are you done?" I said again and he just murmured and I turned back around, he then took off his top revealing his abs and I couldn't take my eyes off him,

He then put the t-shirt on and I got out of my hypnosis, I sat down and he did the same on the chair opposite from me,

"So, what did you come over for?" I asked him, realising that I shouldn't have said that,

"I wanted to see if you were alright after last night, you seemed a bit upset and I wanted a catch up," he said, I just shrugged my shoulders,

"I'm alright thanks, so how've you been these last 2 years?" I asked him and he shrugged his shoulders this time,

"Alright I guess, and you?" He said smiling at me so I smiled back,

"It could have been a lot better," I said putting my head down,

"How what happened?" He said making his way towards me,

"I missed you, these 2 years could have been so much better if I had you," I said and he lifted my head up,

"I missed you too, I haven't stopped thinking about you, I wish that you never left," Shawn said, before I spoke the door opened and I heard my Aunt and Uncle,

"Hey Charlotte, we brought some food back if you're..." She said until she came into the room and spotted shawn

"Oh hello, you're the performer from last night right?" She said and Shawn nodded shaking her hand,

"You were really good," She said, I was so embarrassed,

"Thank you, I'm Shawn and friend of Charlottes from a few years back," he said and I hoped she didn't recognise his name,

"Oh, so this is the boy you've been talking about like every day," Uncle David said and my fave reddened,

"We have extra if you'd like to stay for dinner?" David said and Shawn smiled and nodded,

Wow this is going to be an awkward next few hours...

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