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⚠︎︎TRIGGER WARNING: Mention of Alcohol abuse, drugs/drug use, major season 6 spoilers, and slight season 7 spoiler but not really. ⚠︎︎
𖧷 𖧷 𖧷 𖧷 𖧷

𖧷 𖧷 𖧷 𖧷 𖧷꧁𝒀/𝒏𝒔 𝒑𝒐𝒗꧂

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𖧷 𖧷 𖧷 𖧷 𖧷
꧁𝒀/𝒏𝒔 𝒑𝒐𝒗꧂

It's been a year since the whole family thing happened, and I want to say that everything has been great but that would be a lie.

Firstly JJ left, right as I began to get friendly with her. I think her leaving affected Spencer a lot, Hotch decided to not get a new Media Liaison, so he kinda took on her job along with Penelope. Which meant he no longer had time for our sessions.

Not that I'm trying to make this about me.

Then Emily died which sucked even more, and destroyed part of me. It destroyed Spencer too, and for a while, we grew apart.

For the ten or so weeks that Emily was dead for, my drinking got pretty bad. When Spencer's around I can usually keep it to a minimum because I don't want to disappoint him, but he didn't come round once unless it was for angry, grieving sex.

I uh- I also started taking Oxy again, which I know is really bad, and even now I know it's bad. I found this dealer who is super low-key, he never sees my face, he doesn't know who I am, but that's where I buy from.

Before you all get worried, I do have control to a certain extent, like I don't need it every day, but I've noticed the gaps I can go without using are getting shorter.

Then Emily came back to life and both Spencer and I were especially angry. He was angry at JJ, and I was partly angry at myself, but I took it out on Hotch because after everything, he lied to me again. Spencer forgave JJ in the end, I verbally forgave Hotch but I haven't forgiven myself.

Everything is beginning to get out of hand, I'm noticing it and Spencer's noticing it. He doesn't know about the drugs, but I think he might suspect something.

My drinking is getting worse, and I'm coming to realize that I'm likely an alcoholic, that's after years of denial.

I think up until now, I was a functioning alcoholic, but I'm losing that control, the same way I'm losing control with drugs and it's only a matter of time before I lose control completely.

I wanted to tell Spencer, but after everything we had been through together, I felt like I was an issue in his life, that he'd soon want to get rid of.

𝙵𝚛𝚒𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝟷𝟶𝚝𝚑 𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚎 𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟷
𝚁𝚘𝚜𝚜𝚒'𝚜 𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗, 𝚆𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚝𝚘𝚗 𝙳𝙲, 𝚅𝚒𝚛𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚊

Rossi was having a party at his place to celebrate Penelopes' birthday. His house was decorated in unicorns and everything un-David Rossi.

It looked like a children's birthday party, apart from the huge amount of alcohol spread all over the place.

"Ooo Ok. NeVeR HaVe I eVeR sCrEwEd SoMeOnE oN tHe TeAm" Penelope slurred drunkenly, knowing full well me and Spencer would lose this.

"This IsN'T Fair" I giggled as me, Spencer and Emily put our hands up in the air.

"wAIT!" Penelope shouted.

Emily giggled and pointed to me. Spencer furrowed his brow at me, as I downed my drink and giggled hysterically.

"WhEn?" Derek questioned.

"A LOng, LoNG, tIMe agO, before you guys started dating" She replied.

"WE were Drunk" I added.
"I doN'T ReMember How, it HaPPened, iT jUst Did"

"Y/n, are you planning on screwing the whole team?" Hotch asked.

"Why? Are You waiTing your turn?" I asked confidently, I glanced at Spencer who didn't seem to happy with my not so very subtle flirting.

Luckily for me, my phone rang.
"PlEase ExCusE me for one moment" I mumbled standing up.
"YoU DoN't need to be JEAloUs" I whispered to Spencer before leaving the room.

I stumbled out into Rossi's driveway and answered the phone.

"You look pretty tonight" Came a voice through the phone.

"Excuse Me?"

"I said you look pretty. That green dress looks really pretty on you"

I looked down at my green dress then I looked around at the area. I couldn't see anyone.

"Oh Princess, you won't be able to see me"

"Who is this?"

"Take a guess?"

"I don't know! Tell me!"

"It's Tyler, Tyler Montero... I don't know if you remember me"

"What do you want?"

"Your parents owed me money, they had just over a year to pay it back, but they only gave me half of it"

"That's because they're dead"

"I know that princess, but I want my money, and as you are your parents, last living relative-"

"How much do they owe you?"

"3 million"

I almost fainted at the thought of it. I know I have a lot of money but I don't have 3 million.

"I-I can't pay that"

"Oh I know you can't, so I've been thinking of other ways that you can pay me back"

"And if I say no?"

"Then the world will know about your little drug problem, and I'll kill your team but if you do what I want then I'll keep quiet, and hey maybe I'll even send you some of the good stuff"

"I... How long? How long do you want me to do your bidding?"

"As long as I need you. So have we got an agreement?"

I paused, of course, I couldn't say no, that would put the team in danger and I'd also lose my job and likely never get employed anywhere ever again.

"Ok," I mumbled.
"What do you want me to do?"

"I'll call you when I need you, but for now princess, I've got you a little present"

"Present?" I questioned.

"Mhm, look under your little boyfriends' car"

I hesitated before slowly approaching Spencers' car and finding a small green present box underneath. The box was tiny, it was like a ring box.

I picked it up and opened it to find a little bag with white powder inside.

"This is the good stuff, not the pills that send you to sleep. This stuff will make partying fun."


"It's Pure Columbian cocaine. I want only the best for my princess"

The line disconnected and I was left standing there with a bag of cocaine in my hand trying to figure out, how the fuck was I going to get myself out of this one.

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A/n: OMG! I can't believe we're at the end.
Honestly, it's been amazing.
He's a few things you should know.
There was a reason why I brought Milo the dog into the story but you'll learn about that in book 2.

Cursed ❣︎ {Spencer x Reader} ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now