Chapter Six: End Of The Camping Trip

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It was the end of the camping trip, and the gang were all packing up to go home. Team Forces were waiting outside for The Nature's Essenses so they could say their goodbyes.

Charmy: This camping trip really didn't go as well as we imagined.

Knuckles: I know, so many surprises.

Charmy: We may have almost died yesterday, but it was a pretty fun experience.

Amy: I know right?! We got to witness an earthquake, sandstorm, volcanic eruption, rock slide, and we got to go inside of a black hole. If that's not amazing, then I honestly don't know what is.

The Nature's Essenses all went outside with they're bags all packed and they walked up to Team Forces so they could say goodbye to them.

Dawn: It was very nice seeing everyone again. I hope we can see each other again soon, but for now, I will say my goodbyes and take my leave.

Knuckles: It was very nice seeing you again too, Dawn. I'm sure we'll see each other again soon.

Dawn: Farewell everyone.

Dawn jumped into the bushes and began to walk home.

Rouge: I better get going too. I have a nail appointment later today and I don't wanna miss it.

Shadow came out with Rouge's bags.

Shadow: (Straining) Can... we... please just... hurry up?

Knuckles handed Shadow a juice box.

Knuckles: You're gonna need this.

Shadow: (Straining) Thank you.

Rouge: Bye everyone.

Amy: Bye Rouge. Bye Shadow.

Rouge and Shadow walked away from them and began to walk home.

Blaze: It was nice seeing you guys again. I hope I can get some time off again soon so we can do this again.

Silver: Me too. Hopefully our next trip like this won't be as crazy.

Blaze: Bye you guys.

Amy: Bye Blaze.

Blaze used her teleportation powers to teleport herself home.

Queen Larien: I better get going too. My guards must be really tired and I promised them that I would pay them extra. Bye everyone.

Amy: Bye Queen Larien.

Queen Larien used her teleportation powers to teleport herself home.

Vanilla pulls up to the parking lot to pick up Cream.

Cream: Mommy!

Vanilla: Cream!

Cream ran up to her mom and gave her a big hug.

Vanilla: How was the camping trip?

Amy: Well, it was a bit crazy, but we made sure that Cream stayed safe, Ms. Vanilla.

Vanilla: That's good to hear, Amy. I hope I can make time for my daughter to hang iut with you guys soon.

Cream: Bye Amy.

Amy: Bye Cream.

Cream and Vanilla walked into the car, but then Vector started running after the car.

Vector: Are you still up for that date on Saturday, Miss?

Amy: Come on, Team Forces, lets go home.

Team Forces got into the RV and began to drive home.

💖The End💖

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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