-The Intruder-

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I zipped through the alleyways, sirens blaring around me. I'm in the middle of a chase, but this time I have no back up. I know this is stupid, but what can I say? I was bored. Thankfully, I didn't drop any of the jewels out of the bag that I held at my side.... Yet.. As the chilly night began to seep into my clothing, I tried to run faster. I think the worst part about this was that I didn't know where I was going. Where would I hide if the police got too close? What was my destination? I decided heading to the hideout wouldn't be the best option and just continued running. I'm sure I can figure something out!


Thankfully, I slipped away from the action after nearly being caught. Of course I got scolded when I got back home, being told what I did was 'stupid' or that 'I could've been caught.' But still, I brought my stolen prizes back with me, so I still got a little praise in the end.

"I swear, this kid never listens to me!" Skelly yelled as she walked back and forth in the makeshift living room. She was the right hand man of our boss, as well as our group leader. She usually gets mad at me easily, and I sometimes feel like she has every right to..

"At least he made it out," Skull commented. "Isn't that right my little scavenger?" He rubbed my messy hair, grinning down at me. Skull was my top supporter and mentor, and I'm thankful he took me in all those years ago-- Honestly, I don't know what I would do if I didn't have this close friend by my side!

"Guys, guys! Let's not fight over this!" Bones cried. "We're supposed to work together, and this will never get us closer to our goal!-" She frowned at us. Bones was our support in this mission, and the peacemaker. We got into fights often, and Bones never supported it..

"We're sorry, Bones," Skelly sighed. "But Spine can't keep sneaking out and doing missions without us! It's just irritating.." If I'm being honest, I'm kinda regretting what I did.. I don't want to disappoint our leader! (Or get in trouble with the boss--)


As the morning began to rise after the night of running and arguing, I tried to find some courage to go downstairs. I knew Skully would still be mad at me today, but I guess I can't hide from her.. I crept down the old wooden stairs, making my way to the other's

"Morning, Spine!" Skull smiled at me. "Ready for our epic journey today?"

"Yes, sir!" I smiled back, a little more comfortable with the atmosphere in the room.

We all sat at the table and ate some food before starting our days. I enjoyed how the silence was peaceful at the time, seeming to cause no violence or disturbance around it. It was nice... Until there was a knock on the door. Skully stood up and went to go check it out.

"It's just Seed from the other group in town, don't worry guys." She calmed us from any worry. After she opened the door, Seed walked in with another person behind them..?

"Sorry for the disturbance, but there has been a few changes to your mission." Seed stated in a monotone voice.

"We don't mind at all. But is it okay for me to ask who this person is..?" Skelly glared at the boy behind Seed's back.

"His new name is Ribs and he will be joining your group for now on. Make him feel welcomed and included or the Boss won't be happy." Seed said warningly. "Ribs is important to the Boss for some reason.." Skelly nodded, letting Ribs into the room for the others to see. I found myself not being able to take my eyes off this guy.. I wonder what his part will be in our group?

I decided to go up to him with a grin, "Hi! My name's Spine! It's nice to have you on our team!" I put my hand out for a hand shake, but Ribs just seemed to look at me weird.

"Hi..?" was the only word that came out of him. I looked at him with wonder.

"Woah! Your voice sounds so cool! Has anyone told you that before?" I smiled widely.

"Um.. No?" he just stood there, looking confused. Ribs looks around the same age as me, but a little taller... sadly...

"Skelly," I dragged us over to our leader once Seed left. "Can we please go exploring together? I won't get us into trouble; I promise!" I gave her my biggest smile I could throw off.

"Fine," she sighed in response. "Just don't lose him." With that being said, I grabbed my coat off the nearby hook and went out the door.


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