-Star Cross Lovers-

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"I heard that every star in the sky is someone making a wish," Ribs moved closer to me. "What's your wish?"

As words left his mouth, I felt my face flush into heat. My hands felt sweaty and my heart was beating out of control. Is this a good feeling to have with another guy, or am I just weird? I always knew that Bones and Skelly were gay, but is it okay for me to feel that way too? I'm not sure, but I think I should go with my feelings right now.

"My wish," I said as I turned towards him. "Is to find something that can make me feel alive." I know that sounds sappy, but nothing can come to my mind! These warm thoughts are making me so confused!

"I think I need that too." Ribs said, turning to me as well. Is this really happening? I don't know what to do, so I'm hoping Ribs will. Just as if he was reading my mind, he leaned in with half shut eyes.

"Do you mind if I try something...?" Ribs placed his hand on my warm cheek. After thinking for a few seconds, I saw the look in his eyes, knowing he might be a little nervous as well. I shook my head and he moved closer again. Do I have to move too? God, this is so awkward! But my mind was cleared of any doubts, deciding that it was best for me to just go for the moment.

Then in that long second, our lips crashed against each other. It felt weird at first, but then it felt so natural. Is it okay for me to move closer? Screw it. I shouldn't stop myself from having some fun just because I'm scared, so I leaned into his body, letting my heart do the thinking for now.

After what felt like hours of awkward lips smooshing against each other, we both pulled away, looking away from one another. Now that I think about it, I think that was my first kiss... And it was with him! I don't know if I should be worried or happy about that. From the looks of it, it wasn't too bad, so that's good.

"Can we do that again?" Ribs asked with no shame. Jeez, this guy just says anything he wants! But I have to admit, it wasn't such a bad idea.

"I-I mean, if that's what you want I don't mind... " I found myself stuttering a little at the thought of doing such things again. Does he like it too?

We ended up doing that a few more times; I even got a few kisses on my neck, which felt really tickly and weird.

"Let's head home before we get in trouble-" I stood up with a red face, grabbing his hand to lead him back.


Awkward silence filled the air as we walked back home. I wondered why the feeling in my heart was so strong back there. Does Ribs feel this way too? I hope he does. We went our separate ways when we got back upstairs, but I felt like something was missing when I lied down in bed. I can't believe I already miss that guy... These feelings are so weird!





Well, there's no shame in asking if I can just sleep with him... Right?

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