-New Plan-

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I ended up just sleeping by myself, not wanting to make the relationship between us even more awkward. Besides, I'm still questioning whether my feelings are true or not! I crept downstairs, seeing that Bones and Skelly already ate.

"Morning, Spine. Are you ready for tonight?" Skelly asked with genuine concern because of last time.

"Yeah," I sighed. "Just nervous, I guess. But I hope we can find some clues for the vault I found." She nodded, and went back to whatever she was doing. If I'm being honest with myself, I don't want to go back. I'm scared that I'll have the same fate as Skull...

"Spine," I heard Ribs sprout from upstairs. "Good morning-" I gave him a small smile, feeling too weary to really respond. I don't know what's gotten over me all of a sudden, but I feel as if the weight of the entire world is on my shoulders; as if a ghost were haunting my soul now. I grabbed an apple from the basket on the table, going to the backyard to relax in the morning sun. While the sound of birds chirping seemed to put my mind at ease, I still felt my body feeling anxious. What's wrong with me? That's besides the point right now. I need to think of an easier way to open the vault... I think using something like a stethoscope could work, but I should make a backup plan just in case. I also have to think about if there were to be any traps or alarms to get us caught. This is harder than I thought...

As the morning settled, Ribs and I were asked to go get the needed supplies for tonight. I'm gonna be honest, I feel like Skelly did that on purpose, but whatever- We took our bikes down to the nearby 'Amory,' hoping to find something good to use.

"Maybe we could shoot the lock or get a decent knife to use-" Ribs whispered, not wanting to be heard in the secluded store. I nodded, considering the idea. I mean, I don't have much of a plan myself, so we might as well go with that and see how it works.

"We could also use some pouder to see if we can find fingerprints on the keypad-" Ribs continued. That just crossed my mind at that moment. Did the vault have a keypad or a cam lock? I can't believe I didn't look for that! Ugh, stupid Spine...

"Do you mind if we just get both?" I said, trying not to sound too worried. Of course Ribs said yes, seeing no reason not to.

Once we got back to the house, we started discussing the plan for tonight with the others. The rules were simple. If there's any alarms, make a run for it as soon as possible. If you get trapped, use the signal given to us. Lastly, whatever happens, mission before family and everyone needs to fend for themselves this time. The last rule wasn't something we would usually do, but with the given with the circumstances, it seemed a little necessary

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2021 ⏰

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