Ch.14: Questions, Questions, Questions

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The clock didn't seem tick any faster than any other two hours of class. I was doing partner bookwork with Cassius. It was quite easy since he's read everything that our English teacher assigned. I wanted to ponder him with more questions about his past life.

"Cassius?," I asked.
"Yes, Partner?," he asked.
"Can I ask you a series of questions from your human life?," I asked in a whisper.
"Yeah, hit me," he said.
"How many siblings did you have?," I asked.
"I had two older siblings and two younger siblings," he said.
"Were you the middle child?," I asked.
"Sorta, I was the third born," he said.
"Favorite singer as a human?," I asked.
"John Lennon," he said.
"Favorite book?," I asked.
"As a human, Dracula before I became a - you know what," he whispered.
"Uh - -," I started.
"Ask other questions besides human life," he said.
"Like your love life?," I asked.

He bit the inside of his lip and looked out the window. I think he really doesn't like talking about his love life in general. He looked at me and made a motion for me to continue with my questions.

"Who's your ex-lover?," I asked.
"Lucifer Needle," he whispered.
"Did you like him out of lust, too?," I asked.
"Sorta, it was more affectionate," he responded.
"Geninue love?," I asked.
"Yep," he replied.
"What happened?," I asked.
"That's a -  - a story for another time," he whispered.

The bell rang and he bolted out of the classroom. I walked over to Logan to go to next period. Logan was staring after Cassius. He looked upset but yet in love. He looked at me and grabbed his laptop bag that he used as a backpack.

I looked at his outfit for pictures today. He wore a white turtleneck, beige pants, brown shoes and a beige peacoat.He had ruffled his longish blonde hair with black sunglasses on his head. I also saw that he wore his silver rings on his fingers.

"You look great," I complimented.
"Thanks," he sighed.
"What's wrong?," I asked.
"Cassius hasn't noticed," he sighed, again.
"You want him to notice?," I asked.
"Kinda," he replied.
"Have you tried to show off your outfit off?," I asked.
"Yeah, he just smiled," Logan said.
"Tried to make it known?," I asked.
"I didn't want to annoy him," Logan said.

We were walking past Cassius and Edward. They looked deep in conversation until they saw us. I saw Edward had finished whispering something in Cassius' ear and they walked over to us. I saw some fear in Cassius's face and him keeping his distance from Logan. I looked at Edward and he mouthed, "The Volturi is coming tomorrow".

That's one of my greatest fear, too. Last I saw the Volturi, the second leader named Caius threatened to have all of the Cullens killed along with me if I weren't vampire by the next time they see me. I mean I know I can't be at their home when Cassius's interview was happening, and Carlisle will be present with him. Just great. . .


After school came by slowly from what it seems, as I fell four times and accidentally hit Jessica in the head with my racket during P.E. It felt like a miserable day especially since it started to snow. Mike was blabbering in my ear and I watched Logan tell Tyler his whole plan on how to surprise everyone else. I was barely paying any attention to Mike as he talked but I tried to make conversation with him.

"I mean I'm tired of Jessica constantly thinking she's better than everyone else," Mike said.
"Jessica's like that," I said awkwardly.
"Yeah, I was honestly tired of it," Mike sighed.
"So, are you looking into dating again?," I asked.
"What? You single?," he asked too eagerly.
"No, I was just asking," I said.
"Yeah, I am," Logan laughed.

Mike started laughing and started throwing snow at Logan. I ran and hid when I say Edward with Cassius. Cassius still looked honestly scared for this life. They walked over and I smiled.  Logan threw snow at Edward so Edward got into the snow ambush. Cassius stood by me and watched.

"How's your day been?," I asked.
"It's - - honestly could have been better," Cassius sighed.
"Are you ready for your interview?," I asked.
"Nope," he replied.
"Nervous?," I asked.
"Yeah," he replied.
"Can I do anything to take it off of your mind?," I asked.
"Entertain me," he replied.
"Can I ask about Lucifer?," I asked.
"Uh - - uh sure," he  said.
"How did you two meet?," I asked.
"At a coffee shop in New York," he replied.
"What year?,"  I asked.
"1987," he replied.
"What made you attracted to him?," I asked.
"Everything," he said with a smile.
"What happened to him?," I asked.
"I - - I lost control and I was h-hungry," he stuttered.
"Oh," I whispered.
"He had gotten mad at me because his sister wouldn't leave me alone. I was trying to explain to him that I had no clue. He was still holding his wine glass in his hand and broke it in his hand. He started bleeding and I attacked," he groaned with such depression in his voice.
"You killed your own mate on accident?," I asked.
"Yeah, I don't blame him if he's in Heaven and still doesn't forgive me," he groaned. "I'm a monster that he loved".
"I don't think he saw you as a monster," I whispered.
"Then, what am I if not a monster?," he asked.
"His siren," I whispered.
"I wish I could rescuerrect the dead," he groaned.
"Why?," I asked.
"To tell him that I am sorry and that I- - I still love him," he whispered.
"But you have Logan," I tried to reassure him.
"I know but it's honestly not the same," he whispered. "They're a lot alike besides looks".
"Then, try," I said.

He nodded and looked at everyone else. He got involved in the snow ambush and so I got in my car. I drove back to my house and waited for Charlie to come home. I really do hope in my mind that Cassius actually falls in love with Logann as he was with Lucifer. I hope his interview goes well, too.

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