He finds out. (Tom)

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⚠️warning eating disorder⚠️

"Oh no oh no oh no the day I was dredging. Tom my boyfriend told me to get ready because we are going out to eat. You see I'm panicking because we don't always go out to eat cause you know paparazzi. We normally eat in at the house. But today Tom really wanted to go out. I tried to convince him on not going. " come on Tom what if there is a lot of paparazzi an-""Come on y/n it's fine we have not gone out in a while" he said while pulling me into a hug. "Okay"

You may be wondering on why I don't want to go out so bad. Well I have anorexia I was diagnosed with when I was younger and they took me to a special therapy place and well I told them that it was working and they would weigh me but I would put stuff in my pockets. To look like I was gaining.
But I never told Tom. If I was forced to eat I would immediately go throw up.

Tom p.o.v
So lately I been catching on that every time I tell y:n I want to go out to eat she always has a excuse. Or when I make diner I see that once she is done she runs to the bathroom. At first she always said it was nothing but I started to notice she started looking pale. I have a felling she is hiding something and I'm going to find out what wrong with my love .

Y/n p.o.v
"So are you ready my darling" Tom said form downstairs "yea coming" oh god what am I going to do.

"So what are you planning on ordering " I looked up at him. "I think I'm going to get the cob salad"
"But you always get that get like a cheeseburger or stake something new. But if you really want that go ahead"  I'm scared he started catching on "Yea you know what a cheeseburger does sound good"

Once the food arrived I started panicking I never have real meals I only have greens. "Hey y/n you okay?" " Oh yea" 

Once we finished eating i was debating on if I should throw up now but I can't what if he gets suspicious. "Hey Tom can we go home now I'm not feeling well "
"Yea of course let's me just get the check"

Once we pulled up to the drive way i was looking for my key for the house. I could not wait for him to open the door. Once I got out the car I opened the door and ran straight to the bathroom and I put my finger down my throat. Once  Tom turn off the car he ran inside right behind me . He notice what I was doing.
"Y/n" he said worried he pulled me back before anything came out of my mouth. He then got a towel and cleaned me up a bit and pulled me into a hug and looked at me sadly. "What's wrong. when did this start" he said I kept looking down I could not look at him right now I felt bad for lying to him all this time. Once he noticed I was not looking or responding at him. He grabbed my chin lightly "You can tell me I'm not mad I'm just worried about you my love.

I -I- I was diagnosed with Anorexia a while ago I was scared you were going to brake up with me cause I was different. I said sobbing "Why my love?
Why did this start?" "Well one time I was getting ready for one of our dates. I bought a beautiful dress and when I tried it would not zip up and so I told you to zip me up and nothing. So I had to change and when I was changing I looked at my self in the mirror I saw a monster a pig. It was horrible that's why I ended up saying I did not feel well.

"Oh baby your not a monster. Why can you just see your self like the way I see you beautiful sexy and so much more my love" I looked up at him with some red cheeks and smiled a bit " I will help you my love " he said getting up and giving me a hand.

We walk into out bed room and he put me in front of the mirror he looked at me  straight In thee  eyes and said "Take off your clothes" "W-what " I look up at him "Take them of my love let me show you that you are not a monster that you are so beautiful " I take  off my clothes and I look up at myself and start to cry . He looks me straight in the eyes and says "No my love you don't see how beautiful you are your not a pig your an angel" 

I get dressed and we get in bed and cuddle. "I love you" he said "I love you too my love okay and I will help you get out of this" he said kissing me.

It been a couple days since he found out he has been making sure I eat something even if it's a little amount. He has supported me so much and made me feel so much more confident.

Right now we are eating dinner. I'm eating chicken and mashed potato and green beens. "Thank you "
I say grading his hand looking at him "Oh it's nothing my darling I just want you to be okay and happy "

-The end

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