Chapter 4 : Change of Plans

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   It was a Friday night, Suho and Seulgi had invited their cousins to have a drink, which Dahyun hesitated at first, along with her brother. However Suho had convinced the King. So Dahyun had to hold back, not wanting to expose herself, she tried her best not to get drunk. Of course they drank at the luxurious bar near the palace. Seulgi and Suho were knocked out cold while Jisoo is heavily drunk herself, Jackson is a very heavy drinker while Dahyun is just a little tipsy. The guards– including Jeongyeon who was with them helped carrying Suho and Seulgi and at handling Jisoo.

   What awaited for them by the entrance hall was the King himself; eyebrows furrowed and he looked like he's been waiting for them. He's wearing a formal black suit. "Junho." His stern voice woke those who where drunk especially Dahyun. "Change to something formal. Now."

   Dahyun abruptly rushed towards her room to change. She wore a black turtle neck and a black suit. As soon as he went back down to the hall, the King turned to walk towards the Palace's door. Dahyun followed after him. She didn't want to upset the King even more. Now it was just them and a few guards outside the palace. The King turned to Dahyun and opened the door for her. "She's about to arrive in a few minutes. I'm placing her under your care Junho. You better treat her right. Or I'll punish you myself." He threatened Junho. In the back of Dahyun's mind, she wished to stop this charades of them and save herself from the possible punishment, but what could she do now? Her cousin is nowhere to be found already– probably in the arms of his lover. Now her only escape is to succeed in this stupid act of hers– alive.
   "Yes, Your Highness. You can count on me." She assured him with a confident smile on her face. The King squinted his eyes, as if he's examining her face. "You're not too drunk are you? I can't risk–" He was scolding her, it might be rude to interrupt the King while his talking but that's how her cousin usually talks to him; besides she's been dying to try it herself. "No, I-I'm fine, Fa-Father.. I can manage." It was so foreign to call her uncle "father" but she shrugged it off because convincing him is her top priority now. "Don't do anything stupid. I'm sending four guards to follow you, to make sure you won't escape again." The King snarled before leaving her standing next to the car.
   As she sat on the drivers seat, it finally dawned to her who she's picking up from where. She's picking up her cousin's Princess and the King– plus two nations are expecting her to treat her well.


   The gloomy Princess sat still on her seat as she glared at the clouds and the stars. All sobered up and well dressed.
   Sana is upset, not because she was forced to study whatever a Queen must know, how act or behave. She's upset because she feels like she's being given away. She knew she wasn't the best, obedient daughter and thought getting married and getting sent to Korea was her father's punishment for her– for misbehaving. She tried pleading him that she'll change, but her Father's decision was final.
   Like now, she was supposed to be sent to Korea on Sunday; supposedly two more nights to savour in her room. But no, she just had to push her Father's buttons. Drinking outside the Palace was forbidden especially when their on their own. Fumming in anger Genji– the King– her Father hastily dragged her out of the bar to the airport, her bags were brought by some guards.

   Inside the plane a woman approached her and fixed her hair and make up. She even got instructed to change into a pink dress. Now on her way to her new home. It means a new palace, new faces and new rules.


   The sobered Dahyun is already waiting; leaning against the car she used. The four guards sent to guard her are a few feet away; two of them are standing next to their car while the other two is inside. She's been waiting for a minute or so already. A group of press has already appeared out of nowhere. Good thing the airlines security backed Dahyun up to stop them.
  "Someone might've sent a heads up to see the show." She groaned at her own thoughts.

   After a few more moments of agony and waiting, the Princess's plane has finally arrived. Dahyun went near the stairs the Princess is going to walk down on, wearing a stoic facade. When the planes door finally opened, it revealed the beautiful Japanese princess wearing her pink dress and a silver tiara. Dahyun is starstruck and almost smitten by her beauty. Then her monolided eyes met the princess's sad ones. Too sad for Dahyun's liking.

   "She's smiling but her eyes says otherwise." Dahyun wondered why, and wanted to cheer up her princess. Sana walked down the stairs and saw the Prince; smiling at her, as if he's reassuring her that everything is okay, that made her blush lightly. But instead of acknowledging him, she looked away and walked passed him.
   Shocked as she just got ignored, Dahyun followed Sana and led her towards their car. She even opened the door for the older girl. Still getting ignored, Dahyun sighed and went to drive the car instead. Thinking of ways on how to approach her princess.


Double update coz why not.😁

I'm a little confused with what I want to do with this story but welp!
My story, my rules..
I'll do whatever I want 😂😂

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