Chapter 3 : FUN = Trouble

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It was a pleasant day, even though she didn't got enough sleep last night. Having breakfast with her grandmother in the garden chased all her sleepiness away for she missed her grandama so much. She didn't mind if all her cousins were present too, as long as she's with her grandma everything is fine.
"Excited to meet your bride to be, Junho?" Seulgi teasingly asked her. It earned a loud uproar of laughter even from their grandma and only a groan from the acting Prince. "Please man up and treat her well." Jisoo spoke, groaning as she reminisce the times they've all suffered from his pranks along with Dahyun's help. Quiet nods and subtle snorts followed that plea of hers.
"Well, Junho. I heard you went to Dahyun the other day.. How is your cousin?" Their grandma interrupted, which caught all their attention. "W-Well.. She's doing fine." She answered shortly earning the interest of her cousins. "That's all?" Jisoo asked, anticipating an answer. "Well.. I went there to inform her of m-my e-engagement. When suddenly everyone panicked and thought I was running away. So we didn't had enough time to talk and catch up." Dahyun playfully answered earning another uproar of laughter except from their Grandma who only watched them silently while drinking her morning tea.


Meanwhile inside the Palace of Japan, Princess Sana is already finishing up her packing. Of course it's with the help of her two cousins; namely Mina and Momo.
After hearing the decision of her father, she ran towards her cousins to cry. Leaving her home to marry someone she doesn't even know and live in a foreign land, she wished she could take at least one of her cousins but she knew better, her father won't allow it. She didn't want to leave but she has to, now that it was already announced to their people, she can't do anything about it.

"Sattang, just message us if they start bullying you. I won't hesitate to fly there and bring you home." Momo stated with all seriousness which made Mina and Sana laugh. "I'm serious! No one is allowed to make sattang upset, except for me!" Momo pouted making Sana roll her eyes and Mina chuckle. "Don't be like that." Mina scolded Momo with her soft voice before turning to Sana. "Sana, I'm sure they'll take good care of you there." Reassuring the girl with gummy smile that never fails to convince the two older Japanese women when their in doubt or confused. Sana and Momo only shared a glance before sighing simultaneously. "Oh, Mina.. You're too soft! Believing everyone is kind as a lamb. Take my advice instead Sattang, keep your guard up. Message us- or just me when something happens.. Okay?" Momo persisted as she took a hold of Sana's hands firmly.
"You're overreacting Mo.. Let's go out and have fun instead!" Sana beamed standing up from her bed. Momo followed and cheered while Mina only sighed. "Here comes trouble." She muttered quietly.


Dahyun is already back in her room- Junho's room, she spralwed all over the bed after studying. She's sowly drifting to dreamland when suddenly her three cousins barged in.
"Junho!!" They all beamed simultaneously and went straight to where she is resting. Dahyun groaned and forced herself to sit to glare at her cousins who dared to disturb her supposedly peaceful slumber.

"Let's go have some fun!" Seulgi suggests. Suho and Jisoo smirks and Dahyun is already intrigued. "What should we do?" Suho asks, sitting beside Dahyun. "We have an image and a huge ass name- title what-so-ever to take care of.. So no stupid ideas please." Jisoo groaned and slouched on the chair; infront of Dahyun's study table. "I wanted to stroll around Seoul.." Dahyun stated, looking a little bored. "Really?? Does it have something to do with the Japanese Princess??" Seulgi asked, curious and partly teasing. Suho and Jisoo laughed at Dahyun's reaction; she looks so done and bored it was hilarious for them. Jisoo then spoke in all seriousness. "Well yeah.. Technically it's you're job to take her around your future Kingdom and get along well with your future Queen." And with that said Dahyun groaned laying back on her bed making Suho and Seulgi chuckle.
"Don't worry Junho, I know exactly where you'll want to bring her." Suho gave a sinister smirk at the three girls.


Their first stop, was way too inappropriate for Dahyun's liking. It was a motel. Seulgi and Jisoo kept laughing, imagining how would the King and Queen- especially their Grandma, would react.
"Yah!!! Suho!!" Out of embarrassment and anger; after getting a little imagining; she went to hit him on the face, arms and stomach.
"Don't tell me you haven't taught of touching a girl?!" Suho asked suggestively, making Dahyun gulp and blush, making the two other girls stop laughing. An exaggerated gasp was heard and it came from Jisoo. "You're gay??!! Is that why you don't want to get married?!" Jisoo accused making Seulgi and Suho laugh uncontrollably. "Whaa?! NO! Of course not!" Dahyun rebuts, sounding a little too defensive. "Hahaha we want to make sure!" Seulgi says and drags them to a luxurious ass bar near the castle. "Let's see what you can do cousin." Suho challenged. And in that instant; when she's sitting next to Jisoo and Seulgi in the back seat of the car Suho is driving, she prayed hard for herself and her innocence..

But luckily the King had ordered them to go home early to discuss an important matter.

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