The beginning of the end

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Light and Darkness, Fire and ice, Love and hate.

One second is all it takes. crashing, it takes all the air out of your lungs making you feel empty. They say when your life is about to end everything flashes before your eyes but me, i have nothing. I can hear the faint scream from the man i love, the tires screeching on the road, a hand squeezing my thigh. i don't know if i'm screaming or crying maybe i am, maybe i'm not.

what's the point of fighting to try and save yourself when you know the inevitable is about to happen and right now for me that is dying. Something i was never afraid of, yet i am right now and it's all because of this man, the man who had the emerald eyes that captivate you with one look, tattoos that tell a thousand stories. Harry, the man i fell deeply in love with, he made me feel things i didn't know was possible. He made me feel hate and anger but overall i felt love for him; a love that was so heart-wrenching, its like he had full control over me and my heart and even if i wanted to take control back i couldn't. this man showed and taught me how life was supposed to be lived , how if i just let go of all the hurt and run through the wind, eyes closed everything will fall into the abyss.

I don't know how long the car was skidding for but before i died i wanted to take a look at the man who caused me so much hate and love, the man who knew me better than i knew myself. His hand still placed on my leg squeezing it like he didn't want to let go, i placed my hand on top of his which caused him to open his eyes. looking at the man i never wanted to forget i let the darkness consume me.


Taking one last look at each other they smiled, their smiles telling each other silent words: I love you, i'm here, it's not goodbye we will see each other soon. No words were needed the look they shared said everything they wanted to express to one another.

They knew they had to do this but every fibre in their bodies told them to stop the spinning car but it was too late, Harry gave one last smile to the woman he loved and then turned his head to take in his surroundings. Harry took his other hand off the wheel. As they feel into darkness the feeling of three squeezes to the hand was the last thing they remember.

You know what they say, there is a fine line between Love and Hate.

Ok so if anyone actually read this thanks, it was a short chapter. And is there any tips anyone has to make my writing better. I kinda have a idea for the plot in my head but I am not planning it I'm just writing as I go. So thanks if anyone read this i appreciate it. Sorry if it was bad I have know clue what I'm doing.

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