Chapter 5

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Hayley's POV

Cami, Davina, and Kol took Nora somewhere I didn't care because she was getting on my nerves already. " mom doesn't look into the blue light. Said Hope" Then a paper appeared and said come to New Orleans. " we have to go to New Orleans they said they can help Hope." " Alright let's go. Said Klaus" Hope was getting cold. So we drove to New Orleans.

Nora's POV

I and Hollow got done playing tag and sat down next to each other. " Hollow how come you need those kids." " so I can get out of the other side. Said Hollow" "why don't you go into my body and when you want to come out you can and you won't have to be on the other side anymore." "You'll do that for me. Said, Hollow"

" what are best friends for." "Yeah what are best friends for? Said Hollow" " go ahead and do it now but will it hurt." "No it won't you'll just get my magic in you and we can speak through your mind ok. Said Hollow" " ok" She did the spell and I felt more powerful I felt her magic intervene with mine. Then I woke up. " are you ok what happen. Said Kol"

"I'm fine but the Hollow is gone and you can save those kids now they're in the forest by the bayou." Marcel took off to the kids. " what did you mean the Hollow is gonna. Said Vincent" "yeah she put her magic in me and now we can speak when we want she also said she'll help me with my magic." Then the Mikelsons walked in with Hope.

"Vincent's what's wrong with Hope she was just cold and now she's back to normal. Said Hayley" "a powerful witch was trying to kill her but luckily Marcel killed her so Hope should be fine. Said Vincent" Vincent kept it a secret because he knew they wouldn't believe me or use me for power so he didn't say anything.

" what are you guys doing here. Said Rebecca" " we took Nora out here to see her home. Said Kol" Then Marcel came in and hugged me. " uncle Marcel can we stay in the compound I want my old room back." " yes, little huntress. Said Marcel" "yes uncle Kol we can go get ice cream now." "Yes, little red let's go." I Davina and Kol and Cami went to get ice cream Hope was about to say something but we left.

Hope's POV

I wanted to go with them so I was about to ask them but they left. " I wanted to go with them." "Well tell Nora to stop hogging your aunts and uncle ok. Said Mom" "thank you she's been acting selfish and rude lately and stealing my paint too." " ok, I'll talk to her. Said Mom" Vincent and Marcel left I didn't know what I did wrong I wanted to hang with my uncle Marcel.

" why did uncle Marcel leave I wanted to hang with him." "I don't know love but let's go decorate your room. Said Mom" Me and mom went to my old room and started to decorate it.

Marcel's POV

I and Vincent left. " you saw how she lied huh. Said Vincent" "yeah Nora's too nice to steal." "Now I know what she meant by Hope gets her in trouble for everything. Said Vincent"

"Yeah, I feel bad for her" " see you later man." "Yeah bye. Said Vincent" I went to my loft I knew Nora was gonna walk over here by herself so I didn't want her waiting outside by herself.

Nora's POV

I started to walk to marcels loft then I saw a guy following me so I walked faster and he grabbed me and took me into an alleyway. " let me go now." He didn't listen so I used my magic just to push him back a little and I used a little too much magic and I killed him.

Then my stomach started to hurt and my eyes changed color so I ran to his loft. And ran inside talking to some of his vamps.

" Hey what's wrong. Said Marcel" By now everyone was looking at me because I came running crying. " I didn't mean to it was an accident." "Hey what happens. Said Marcel"

"some guy tried to grab me he took me into an alleyway he tried to hurt me so I used my magic and pushed him back but I used too much I killed him it was an accident I didn't mean to." "Hey hey, calm down it's okay what else happens. Said Marcel"

"then my eyes turned to a yellow color I didn't mean to kill that man he was trying to hurt me I never wanted to kill anybody ever." "Hey hey look at me my name is Josh you are going to be fine everyone here knows it was an accident."

"He was trying to hurt you it is okay we know you didn't mean to but can you tell us your name. Said Josh" " hi Josh my name is Nora." " well hello, Nora your safe name as long as everyone here is alive your safe ok. Said Josh" "ok"

"let's get you back home ok. Said Marcel" "ok bye everyone nice seeing you." " bye, Nora. Said Josh" Me and Marcel left and went back to the compound as soon as we walked through the doors Klaus started to shout at me for stealing Hope's aunt and uncles away from her.

Then Kol and Davina came down saying I wasn't and then we went to my room. I put a spell on my room so no one can hear. " what happened. Said Vina" "it was an accident he tried to hurt me I used my magic to push him back and he hit his head and died I never wanted to kill anyone I promise."

"She triggered her curse. Said Marcel" "Hey it's okay and luckily you I may have just met you but I'll help you through your transition ok I'm keelin I'm married to your aunt Freya. Said Keelin" "are you sure you don't want to go hang out with Hope." "I'm sure and to be honest your sister is rude and I don't like rude people. And that was an accident it does not make you a murderer ok. And call me aunt Keke. Said Keelin"

"ok and thank you. Everyone always chooses hope over me" "well your a sweet and beautiful girl. Said Keelin." " Nora I have to get back to the meeting I'll see you tomorrow ok. Said Marcel" "ok" And Marcel left back to his loft.

Marcel's POV

I got back to my loft and saw everyone waiting for me. " is she ok. Said Josh" "yeah she's fine one of her aunts is going to help her through the transition." "Who's her parents. Said Tyson" " her full name is Nora Sage Cami Mikelson but her family treat her like shit because they think she's human don't worry she's nothing like them she's the sweetest and nice person she finds the good in bad people and gives seconds chances."

" they don't deserve her when I was talking to her I could tell she thought of herself as a murderer. Said Josh" "she's not she's sweet and we are going to protect that little girl make sure nothing bad happens to her shes more powerful thank her sister." "How so. Said Josh" "well Hope is just a tribrid and Nora is a quad-brid."

" what's a quad-brid. Said Sofya" "it's a vampire witch werewolf siren angle demon and mother nature the queen of all supernatural. Not even her family knows and she doesn't want them to know because she knows they'll only use her for her power. That's the difference between Nora and Hope. Hope will use someone for power and hurt them. But Nora she won't she'll treat everyone with kindness. Remember when those kids went missing."

"Yeah what about it. Said Tyron" "well it was an evil witch spirit Nora made friends with her so she has the Hollows magic in her and she was the one who saved those kids." " We protect this little girl with our life. Said Josh" Everyone nodded and left.

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