Chapter 7

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Kols POV

Today we are going back home. We arrived back at the compound and headed straight to Nora's room. We knocked on the door but got no response. We walked in and saw it empty. " what he'll be gone for 7 months and this happens." "Looks theirs a letter written Mikelsons. Said Davina" I grabbed the letter and walked into the living room.

" brother what wrong. Said Elijah" " where's Nora" "she's in her room. Said Klaus" " no she's not. Said Davina" " what's that in your hand brother. Said Rebecca" "here I'll read it to you."

Dear Mikelsons, I don't know what I did for you to hate me but I'm sorry for being born that's the reason huh Hayley you said it your self I heard you talking to yourself one night.

Dear Freya, I know you think I'm human when I'm not I'm more powerful than you and Hope put together. I always wanted to learn from the great Freya Mikelson. But you didn't want to teach me I understood you hate me so here's advice. I hate you too problem solve.

Dear Elijah, I remember the day you promised to protect me and Hope but you lied. People call you the noble one but it's a lie you just give people your word so they don't see the real monster you are. I always wanted to read books with you but you didn't. Piece of advice stop giving people your words because you can't keep them.

Dear Rebecca, I always admire the way you dressed and walked around with confidence. I hear you always wanted to be a mother but how can you be an aunt to only one niece. I remember one night you were talking to Hope you told her Nora will never be as beautiful as you Hope. Wow, great aunt Rebecca. Piece of advice don't be a mother you'll suck at it.

Dear Hope, I don't have a lot to say to you. Well, besides I hate you peace out also you a horrible sister never has kids you'll suck at that too.

Dear Davina, You were the best aunt I could ask for. I love you and I forgive you for leaving me I know you just needed time don't blame yourself.

Dear Kol, You were the greatest uncle I ever had. You were like my father to me. I love you I remember when you helped me through my transition I love you don't blame yourself treat my aunt like a queen she is.

Dear Keelin, We didn't really know each other at first and you still helped me through my transition and I'll always be grateful for that I'll miss you.

Dear Hayley, I didn't even want to write a letter to you. But let me tell you something you suck at being a mother your the worst mother there is. You don't deserve kids at all. I hate you.

Dear Klaus, I knew I wasn't your daughter the day you almost killed me. You always ignored me when I tried to get to know you. I wished Mikel was my father and Esther was my mother at least they would talk to me. I hate you. I would say you like Mikel but you are worst than him.

Here are a few things you didn't know I activated my curse a few months ago and Keelin helped me through it. I a vampire witch werewolf siren demon angle fire fairy and mother nature beat that hope. I got out of my depressive state today and went to Marcel I walked him into the loft and found him dead on the floor. So by the time you find this letter, the abandoned building will be burnt down and I will be dead. You got your wish Hayley Klaus and Hope Goodbye."

Everyone was in tears Davina was having a breakdown then Marcel walked in. "You are supposed to be dead. Said Davina" "what do you mean. Said Marcel" "well Nora she went to your loft and she said she saw your heart on the floor. Said Rebecca" " I been with Josh all day wheres Nora. Sais Marcels" "she killed herself."

" she didn't see anything she was delirious. I should've been here to help her damn it. Said Marcel" " She said she rather have Mikel as a father. Said Klaus" "and Esther as a mother." Davina was still having a breakdown because the little girl she raised is dead

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