Chapter 14 Last one

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Nora's POV

It's been 22 years I and Enzo are married we have kids together boy and a girl their twins. We both work in the hospital together my parents watch them when we are at work. Today Enzo is going to work I don't have any so I'm staying with the twins. " Good Morning loves." "Morning mom. Said Isobel" " where's your brother." "He's playing with his toys. Said Isobel"

" well tell him to come to eat were going to grandma's today." "Ok, mom. Said Isobel" Isobel walked off to let Noah know then I heard the doorbell. I walked over to answer it and saw. " Hello, Luv. Said Klaus" " What the bloody hell are you guys doing here."

" Red we just want to talk. Said Marcel" I had tears in my eyes because I saw him die. " Marcel come in." He walked in while the others were still outside. He walked over and hugged me. " you died I saw your body." "It was an illusion it wasn't real. Said Marcel"

I looked over and saw my aunt and uncle. " Uncle Kol Aunt Davina come in." They walked in and I closed the door. " we're so sorry Nora. Said Davina" "it's fine you were hurting and you needed time I understand." "No it's not fine we left you there with them and you were only 7 years old. Said Kol" "it's fine I'm just glad you guys are alive and only you guys found me wanna meet my kids."

"Yeah. Said Davina" We walked to the kitchen and saw Noah and Isobel eating. " love there are some people I want you to meet." "Who are they, mommy. Said Noah" "this is your aunt Davina and you uncles Kol and Marcel." "Your the people mommy is always telling stories about. Said Isobel" "you told them about us. Said Davina" "yeah you practically raised me and I wanted my kids to know you guys."

I texted my parents to come over. " ok Grandma and Grandpa are coming here instead ok." "Yay, they're coming. Said Noah" "what are their names. Said Marcel" "their names are Isobel Davina Faith and Noah Kol Grayson." "You named them after us. Said Kol" "yeah I did" "what about me. Said Marcel" " don't worry once we find out this one's gender and if it's a boy it'll be named after you."

"You're pregnant. Said Davina" "yeah" "how far along are you. Said Marcel" "well I just found out this morning." I got a message from my parents saying they need help with the twin's presents for their birthday tomorrow. " watch the twins my parents need help with their presents it is their birthday tomorrow." "What really omg. Said Davina"

"yes, you guys better be here." I walked back over to the door and saw the Mikelsons still waiting. "Nora. Said Hope" I walked right past them and ignored them and went to my parents. " Hey, mom where's dad." " They called him in last minute so he couldn't come but he said later. Said Lydia" "ok let's get this inside before they get into their candy bags for tomorrow."

" Who are they. Said Lydia" "ex-family" "ohh. Said Lydia" "well let's get inside." We grabbed their presents and walked inside. "Grandma. Said Isobel" "where's grandpa. Said Noah" "he had to work but he said he had a surprise for you guys later. Said Mom" The twins ran to their playroom. " mom follow me I want you to meet some people." We walked into the kitchen and saw my uncles and aunt sitting down.

" so you are the one who raised her. Said Kol" " yeah I did. Said Mom" Davina walked over and hugged my mom. " Thank you. You did an amazing job. Said Davina" "you two along with aunt Malia and Aunt Allison will get along just fine mom." " yes, indeed we will. Said Mom" "can we go play we the twins. Said Marcel" "go ahead I'm pretty sure they are in the playroom." Kol and Marcel walked off. " those two are like the twins. Said Davina"

"yes, they are." I heard knocking again. I walked over to open it. " Nora let us in. Said Klaus" "No Klaus you don't own me now leave me alone." I knew that hurt him but I didn't care. " Please we just want to get to know you and our niece and nephew. Said Hope" "too bad and you are too late." " Nora I want to see my grandchildren and see you again. Said Hayley"

"no Hayley you had a chance when I was a baby but you choose to neglect me and fawn over Hope you lost your chance." "you're just jealous I'm better. Said Hope" "really if I'm jealous how come I'm more powerful than you and have a husband and kids and a job what do you have nothing right you just spoiled that's right."

" don't talk to your sister like that. Said Rebecca" "sorry my sister died I don't have a sister anymore." "Nora. Said Hayley" "what surrogate." "We just want to see you again and get to know you. Said Hayley" "give us a reason why. Said Hope"

"you want a reason because I can give you a whole lot of reasons." "Yes tell us. Said Freya." "Fine here's your reason the night Cami died hope blamed me when it was one of my surrogate's wolves that killed her and when I tried to explain it hope automatically blamed you guys believed her when she wasn't there."

"Then my sperm donner here tried to kill me if it wasn't for Davina I would be dead because of you two. Then as time went by you constantly abused me."

"A slapped here and there when I would make the tiniest noise. Or when we were kids and when you guys got out of the coffins I tried to get to know you Klaus but you walked off while the others gave me dirty looks the only one who came to me was my uncle Kol."

" Remember when we were 7 and Hope for sick out of nowhere and then got better yeah that was me an evil witch was trying to kill her but now she's my best friend she's been here for me the entire time. Her name was the Hollow so if you try to get in or use magic you can't because I have the Hollows magic running in my veins along with my kids. So no I won't let you in because you guys were horrible people and parents too."

" Yknow what I wish Mikel and Esther were my parents at least they would have paid attention to me. But instead, I got better parents and their names are Lydia Stilinski and Stiles Stilinski." " but we are your parents not them. Said Hayley"

"no your not now leave before I kill all of you and don't try me I've been wanting to kill you guys for a while now so leave back to New Orleans because it was peaceful before you morons got here."

They left back to New Orleans. Everything went back to normal my aunt and uncles stayed here. I did a spell so they can have a baby I knew they always wanted one. They had a girl. I and Enzo rule over hell my kids just run around like their grandfather and investigate everything. And we lived happily.

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