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Oh screw it  Cinderpelt will be alive



also this is set a moon after Jayfeather became a medicine cat apprentice.

and I'm not really following the timeline as I'm to lazy LOL

Jaypaw was dreaming, He was in the forest when he saw a stick, not just any stick but a stick with strange markings on it. Suddenly he heard a voice, "Rise and shine sleepy head!" oh great its leafpool he thought as he groggily got out of his nest.

"Lets go herb hunting" she cheerfully meowed. "fine fine" he muttered as blinked his sleepy eyes, "where's cinderpelt?" he asked when he noticed her cold nest

"oh she already left to get some mallow, it is Newleaf after all" "and what's it used for?" she asked him once he was out of the den. "it fights infection. And it can also be used to treat bee or wasp stings." he quickly answered. "excellent!" she purred. once they where out of the forest they went to the shore to look for juniper (I have no idea if it is by the shore but anyway). "Jaypaw had 5 juniper berries in a pile hen he noticed a slight felling in his leg. he realized that a stick had bumped against it, he bent don and felt many strange markings on it. This is the stick from my dreams! he thought as he moved it over.

He then felt a sudden urge to go to sleep. he bent down next to the stick until he was on the ground. He closed his eyes and went to sleep. When he opened his eyes he saw a gnarly old cat sitting in front of him. Where am I "do not fear little one" the old cat rumbled. "I won't hurt you".

"why am I here" Jaypaw asked carefully taking in his surrounding's, he was in a cave, with nothing growing. " You are here because I have something to tell you" the cat answered calmly.

"A long time ago there where others that lived beside the lake, They left because of the twolegs. They went to the mountains and became The Tribe of Rushing Water. then some of those same cats left the tribe and formed the clans. you Lionblaze, and a certain she-cat lived among those Tribe cats,  you have now been re-born to fur fill a destiny that I know you have heard of." he meowed, what how why!? Jaypaw thought, "all will be revelled"  the old cat stated and then Jaypaw woke up.

Jayfeather X Halfmoon, A promise WRITERS BLOCK :/Where stories live. Discover now