The dreams

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Sorry the chapters will probably be like 1-2 minutes as I'm lazy (and its hard to write long chapters really, you try)

PS I love the picture

*1 day after the dream*

Jaypaw was picking out a vole from the fresh kill pile when he heard his sisters voice. "Jaypaw shouldn't you be out picking herbs with Leafpool?" Hollypaw asked with suspicion in her voice, Jaypaw sighed "no I already found all the marigold I needed" he answered.

"Oh.. Well then ill go to sleep" Hollypaw meowed as she bounded back to the apprentices den. I wish I was a warrior apprentice he thought grumpily but no I'm a dumb medicine cat . he then heard lionpaw sneak out of camp, oh well he can have his secrets he thought as he crept into his nest I wonder what he's doing though.

Lionbpaws PVO

Must meet cinderpaw where his only thoughts as he secretly padded out of camp, the way she made his heart flutter whenever he looked at her, the ay her eyes always sparkled, her beautiful dreamy gaze. 

He quickly reached there meeting place, which to his delight cinderpaw was already there. "hello!" she meowed cheerfully, "hi!" he quickly meowed back, " the stars are beautiful tonight, right?" she asked, and something else he thought "oh yea they are".

"I just really love how majestic they look though" she added, "yep" he quickly replied. "hey do you ant to play a bit" she asked him, "of course why wouldn't I?" lionpaw answered not being able to keep the happiness out of his voice. I don't want things to be any different he thought as she lay down beside him after there game.

Jayfeather X Halfmoon, A promise WRITERS BLOCK :/Where stories live. Discover now