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"Jake, it's been an hour. I hope you finished grooming yourself and be down in about 5 minutes!" His mother called out as she prepares the table.

"Yes, I'll be there in a minute!"

"You told me that a couple of times already within this hour."

Just like what a typical mother would do, she set the plates and placed the ideal breakfast: bacons, eggs and a toasted bread.

Jake went down, looking gorgeous. Wearing the best clothes he owned for the school's first day.

Meeting their maids along the way, bowing to them and finally settling down on a chair.

"Good morning mom." He delightfully greeted with a smile.

"Good morning to you too. Here's your breakfast." She handed her the plate she prepared whole-heartedly just for her only son.

Seating on the chair infront of her son she spoke, "You're growing older, Jake. It felt like yesterday when I was just walking you to your school as a kid."

Jake found this really funny and subtle at the same time. "Everyone eventually grows old, mom."

"Anyways, it's your first day in your dream university. We, your father and I expect you to get high grades and a positive remark from the proffesors. Aside from that I hope you enjoy your new university, honey."

Jake came from a very prestigious family, with his father handling almost 10 companies from all around the world; it's just expected that he'll inherit those in the future.

Giving him a certain standard as the heir for all the things owned by his family.

Standards such as being well-educated and well-mannered. Knowing things about handling a business and the ability to handle one.

Reasoning him to take 'Business Management and Marketing Administration' as his course.

"Do I have to take the course that dad asked me to?" Jake didn't want that.

In fact, he wanted to be an artist in the future and take the 'Music and Arts' course but his father wanted a different one.

"Honey, you know how serious your father is in regards our family business right?"

All he can do was sigh. He can't resist his parents for what they want so as long as they're happy then he'll accept it.

"Do I need to take you to school? We can use my car and drive you there."

"No, it's okay. I can walk."

"Are you sure? The university's kind of far from here."

"I can endure. Besides, I can explore the streets more since we always move places."

"Alright, I have an appointment to attend to. Would you be fine if I leave you here?"

"It's alright. Have a good day, mom." He greeted before his mother proceeds upstairs to change.

Looking down at his untouched food, he wandered off.

All his life, they kept on going to different countries as he kept on transferring schools.

He never had a decent amount of close friend since he only got to interact with them in such a short time.

As a child, he always despised his parents since because of them, he can't have friends and was always left alone.

He can't even ask for a younger sibling since his parents was always busy with their own lives.

Growing up, he rarely got attention from them so he tried to cope up.

Now that he's much older, he was used to being alone already and was now able to cope up with the thought of living alone, well aside from random maids he meets everyday.

After hearing that they're finally setting down in Korea, he always wanted to attend this certain university and to his luck, they agreed.

"Bye, Jake." He heard his mom before she left the house.

Confirming that she had left, he picked up the toast and placed the eggs then bacon on top.

Then off he goes to his university.

𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐬|𝐉𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐍 [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now