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Y/N frowns as she discovers the door to Okkotsu's home is left unlocked.

With a sigh, she marches in the house after taking off her footwear, eyes softening as she sees her best friend laying on his couch and watching on his television.

At the sound of someone's footsreps, Okkotsu turns around, greeting Y/N with the signature look of his tired smile and his bags under his eyes.


Y/N chuckles.

"Hey to you too, sick boy. Don't leave your door open next time."

Okkotsu laughs weakly, eyes watching as Y/N enters his kitchen. He hears a few plastic bags being placed down along with the clanking of pots and pans.

His heart races. She really is reliable.

Aside from being their genius chef alongside Itadori, Y/N never fails to care for her friends. Like right now-instead of only bringing Okkotsu his homework and leaving to rest, she goes out of her way to take care of and cook him a meal. Okkotsu should be used to her acts of kindness since Inumaki would probably do the same to him, plus they've been friends for years, but it still feels a bit weird for him.

Maybe it's just him being awkward. That aside from his mother, there's a pretty lady taking care of him.

Okkotsu patiently waited for a couple minutes while Y/N cooked. Eventually, the noise in the kitchen dies down and the girl walks in the living room carefully holding a bowl of hot soup. It's to ease his hurting stomach.

"Thanks." He smiles.

Y/N hums, "Don't force yourself to eat, 'kay? I know you love my food, but try to take things easy."

Okkotsu huffs, but nonetheless chooses to listens. While Y/N watches the television with him on another seat, Okkotsu focused on finishing at least half of the bowl.

God, her food really is nice.

On the other hand, Y/N spares Okkotsu a glance every few minutes, waiting with baited breaths. The small smile on his face never went away as he continued eating― it made her feel butterflies knowing that he likes her homemade meals.

Though as much as Y/N wanted him to like something else other than her food, she reminds herself that..

Y/N shifts her attention from the show they were watching to a shelf in the living room. Aside from all of the group photo's displayed, one picture that was framed cathes her attention.

It always did. It also never failed to make her heart ache.

On the golden frame is a picture of a beautiful young lady, her smile being the most innocent and purest one that Y/N has ever seen.

KANOJO ─  Okkotsu Y.Where stories live. Discover now