08 | Quizzes and students

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a filler bcs i love seeing everyone talk

and share the same brain.

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"Hi! Is Y/N L/N here?"

You hear someone call your name, pulling you away from the conversation you're having with your friends.

You excuse yourself from them before turning to the doors of your classroom, now standing up. A smile graces your lips as you see a familiar student peeking inside-it's Miwa. A second year from another section.

You approach her, "Yo! What's up?"

She waves at you, "Gojo sensei's looking for you! I passed him when i was heading to the first floor. Told me to get you."

You nod, "Where's he at?"

"Faculty room!"

You follow the girl outside your classroom but not before sparing your friends a glance. Maki shows a thumbs up, already knowing what you want her to do-if you ever arrived late and Geto's in the class, she'll make sure to tell him you were running an errand.

Closing the sliding door, you walk with Miwa. There doesn't seem to be any students roaming outside their classes..

"So," you start, eyes meeting with hers as she turns to listen to what you have to say, "Have you asked him the question yet?"

"Huh?!" her cheeks turn a bright red, "Well, uh, i'm trying to okay? It's just.. Does it look like i'm trying too hard to be friends with him?!"

She manages to blurt out. You raise a brow.


"You know what i mean."

"Poor Kasumi Miwa.." you let out an exaggerated sigh, a frown on your face, "Damn you, Kokichi Muta, for whatever you did to her!"

"S-Shush! Keep it down!" Miwa chuckles nervously.

There was a transfer in Miwa's class this year and he happens to be the type who doesn't like expressing much emotion. He's very unpredictable but that's something the girl found interesting about him.

What made Miwa develop a small crush on him was when one day after classes, they were both assigned to clean their classroom. This meant they left school a little later than the rest. Miwa thought that Muta disappeared once he was done with his chores, but surprisingly enough, the boy was just waiting outside the room. He even offered to walk her home.

Of course, she told you all about this over text. Her messages all in caps lock and typos everywhere from how quickly she's typing.

The two of you walk down the stairs leading to the second floor. Thankfully, you're able to continue the conversation the both of you are having since there's still no students in the hall.

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