10 | Convenience store

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"What the..?!"

The teen furrows his brows, raising a hand to place over his red cheek. He glares at Okkotsu who only returns the gesture.

"You little bitch.."

He clicks the roof of his tongue before turning away to leave.

Maybe it's a mistake trying to hit on girls that looks like they can bite. If they can, then it's guaranteed that their friends could too.

"Let go, Fushiguro, i'm gonna flip his shit." Okkotsu scoffs, "Nevermind. That'd be a waste of time."

Fushiguro sighs, feeling like he's the senior trying to stop his kouhai from getting into a fight. Hesitantly, the boy does let go after making sure the student from another school was out of their sight.

"You guys okay? that little shit didn't do anything?" Inumaki ask, sweatdropping.

"Yeah, they're fine." Kugisaki answers for them, "But Maki's a little angry though."

The green haired girl crosses her arms, eyes wandering to the direction the stranger went, "Who wouldn't be? Asking for our number like that.. Creepy!"

Y/N chuckles, hands shaking a little though tried to hide it. Seeing Okkotsu all serious and cold was cool, but it's still scary.

"You alright?" Okkotsu ask, making the girl hum before turning to his direction.

"Yep." She smiles, "Thank you, Yuta.."

Sighing out in relief, the dark haired boy pulls her into a hug, resting his chin on her head as he wraps his arms around her shoulders. He could feel that she's nervous-she just wouldn't say anything.

Fushiguro awkwardly looks away from them, a small ache in his chest. He'd get over this soon.

"That was so cool!" Itadori's eyes seem to be full of starts, "Okkotsu, can you teach me how to punch like that?!"

"You're gonna get yourself in trouble." says the bully beater Fushiguro who nudges the boys arm. Okkotsu could only chuckle, waving a hand dismissively as he pulls away from the hug.

"Hell no." Inumaki says with a frown.

"Come on, Toge. I wanna know who wins between you and Itadori in a fist fight!" Y/N chines in.

"Right! Use those stick arms of yours, Inumaki." Kugisaki snickers.

"Fuck you both!"

"Fuck you both!"

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