Solangalo's one month anniversary

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A/N: This is just a little Headcannon I have that Happened during the months after the giant war.(Also have the headcannon that Will did something like this every month Will and Nico have been dating) I hope you enjoy Solangalo being cute:)💕

Will Pov:

Me and Nico have been dating for about two weeks and I want to surprise him with a little picnic out on the lake.

I am working in the infirmary and I go up to Austin who is working here for the day and say "I am going to ask Nico to picnic on the lake can you handle the infirmary for now?"

"Of course" Austin says and waves me of and says "Have fun"

I rush to my cabin and whip up a basket of goodies including some McDonalds fries in my stash of them under my bunk just for Nico.

In the picnic basket I prepare inside there is McDonald's fries, two ham sandwich's, lemonade, and some cookies I made with the help of Piper. (She is pretty much my wing woman and she ships me and Nico so much) 

Once Piper even set me up with Nico and we both ended up soaking wet in the lake.

Once I had gotten everything together in my tote bag which was filled with sunscreen, a blanket, and a wrapped gift I had gotten for Nico and I's one month anniversary.

I got Nico a skull ring and matching necklace. They were both silver and the skull had black gem eyes. I know Nico will love it.

I exit my cabin and make my way down to the Hades cabin where Nico always is, unless he is at Hestia's hearth or hiding somewhere secluded outside preferably in the shade. 

As I get close to Nico's cabin I approach the door and do a sweet knock made up of three individual knocks.

Nico's Pov:

I hear three knock in a melody on the door of my cabin and immediately know that Will made those knocks.

Me and Will have been dating for a month now (and yes I have been taking count) I have almost been waiting for him to dump me because I'm too scary or weird but it hasn't happened yet. 

Happily I get up from my bed and walk towards the door and open it. 

Will's face lights up when he sees me oh how handsome he looks...

I step forward and hug him saying "Now why do I get the pleasure to have you here."

We break apart.

"As you probably know based off of that chart you have there," Will pointed to my calendar counting the days we have been together. I felt myself blush a little at that. "you will know that today is our one month anniversary, so to celebrate that I have come to invite you on a picnic." Will say holding up his tote bag and picnic basket.

"Of course I will come on a picnic with you sunshine." I say joyfully.

"I was hoping you would say that." Will says slightly pulling out something from his picnic basket just enough so that I can see the McDonald's fries.

"McDonald's!!!!" I say enthusiastically.

"Of course." Will says with a smile taking my arm and leading me toward the lake or at least in that direction.

"Now were are you taking me?" I say questioningly but enthusiastically after a few steps.

"I am taking you to a lake picnic Neeks." Will says sweetly-oh he looks so cute-focus Nico.

After we walk all they way to the dock still holding each others hands we get in a small but sufficient boat and start into the lake.

Once we are far enough from the dock will digs into his tote bag and pulls out some sunscreen.

"Here put this on I know how easily you get burned." Will say holding out the sunscreen for me to take.

I take the sunscreen and apply it on my legs, arms, and Will helps me with my face then kisses my cheek.

Not able to wait anymore I reach for Will's picnic basket and I take out the McDonald's fries and start munching. 

Will smiles and laughs lightly pulling out some for himself.

We do not talk until I am done eating, It is like an unspoken agreement between us you don't mess with me or try to talk to me when I am eating my McDonald's.

Will pulls out two ham sandwiches and some lemonade we eat the sandwiches and drink our lemonade making small chatter.

Will Pov:

As me and Nico eat our sandwiches and drink our lemonade my mind goes back and forth trying to decide when is the right time to pull out my gift for Nico.

Nico reaches out to hold my hand and I don't hesitate grasping onto it. 

I know that this is the right time to give Nico his gift.

Still holding Nico's hand I slip my other into my tote bag and pull out my wrapped gift.

The gift is shaped like a jewelry bow which it is. The adorned wrapping paper is black with suns on it. Representing me and Nico me as the suns because Nico calls me sunshine and the black back round representing Nico being all dark all the time even though he is a cinnamon roll. Around the box is a piece of twine holding on the card I wrought for Nico.

I hand the box out to Nico and say "Happy one month anniversary."  

Nico let's a smile creep up onto his lips and leans toward me to give me a kiss on the cheek.

Nico pulls the letter out from under the twine opens it up and reads it a bigger smile growing more and more on his face the more he reads.

In the letter I wrote about how happy I was with him and how he is and always will be my significant annoyance.

Nico looked up finished with the letter and hugged me.

"Thank you so much sunshine." Nico says still hugging me

He pulls away and looks to the gift and starts unwrapping it.

 Once Nico tears away the layer of wrapping paper the bold black velvet box is showing and I realize that the box adorns a silver skull.

"The gift is inside the box." I say.

Nico nods and eagerly starts to the box.

When the box is unlatched Nico opens it up to see the Silver skull of the Ring I got him and next to it the necklace with the same silver skull adorning it.

Nico looks up smiling and says, "I love it," He looks down, "I only wish I had gotten you something."

"Oh don't worry about it." I say kindly rubbing my thumb up and down the back of his hand.

Nico's Pov:

I silently panic thinking how I didn't get Will anything for our one month anniversary  when I get an idea. My head shots up before I can stop it.  

"Actually I did get you something." I say.

Without another word I hold my cold hand out above the water and I pull up a skeleton hand that is holding a sunflower. The sunflower didn't even look wet.

I took the flower from the skeleton and nodded in thanks.

"Here's my one month anniversary  gift to you." I say handing Will the sunflower.

"Aww thank you so much." Will says sweetly.

And then we just sit next to each other holding hands my head leaning on his shoulder and his head lying on mine. We stare into the beautiful yellow and orange sunset just enjoying each others company.

Because as a half - Blood any day could be your last so spend it the way you want with your loved ones.

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed this story. Sorry I haven't posted on this story in a while I was working on my other story (Of Harry Potter one - shots) you should check out. And If you celebrate it Happy Easter! Have a wonderful day!!!:) 

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