Leo meets the hunters

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A/N: Hello!! it's been  a while I'm glad to be back with this new story. Based off of the title you can already tell it is going to be very funny and I hope you enjoy.

Leo Pov:

Today Chiron summoned me and Piper to his office (A.k.a the big house)

Basically he told us that we had to go on a short quest that should only take us a day or two to go and retrieve a package for him (He didn't even tell us what was in it can you believe that!)

Now me and Piper are setting up our questing bags in my cabin.

"What do you think is in the package" I say curiously.

"I was wondering that but Chiron probably ha a good reason for not telling us." Piper says honestly but Leo couldn't tell if she had put any charmspeak into it.

After that we pack our bags with clothes for a day or two, a map to where we need to go, Drachmas & mortal money, some snack food, and a list of hotels and half blood hideout along our way.

Piper Pov:

Today me and Leo were given a two to three day long quest to go and retrieve a package for Chiron but the thing is he didn't tell us what it was only where it is.

We are now out of camp and on our way to a bus station to bring us further North. 

On the map to the package we were given by Chiron the package is somewhere in Maine.

It is currently fall which means winter this far North so me and Leo made sure to pack for the cold.

Me and Leo hop onto the bus and sit in the back seat, Leo starts to fiddle with his Archimedes sphere so I just lay my head back and close my eyes ready for the journey ahead of us.

Leo Pov:

Me and Piper are on a bus to another bus stop further north on our way to pick up Chiron's package in Maine.

 Me and Piper sit in the back seat and I play with my Archimedes sphere trying to make it have a water praying function so that I can put myself out when I accidentally catch on fire epically in my sleep.

All of my cabinmates stay away from my bed and gave me fire proof sheets and a metal bed frame so that I wouldn't burn my bed every night.

I hear Pipers snoring at some point but drown it out concentrated at the sphere when the bus stops.

I get up to see about twenty super cute but scary looking girls armed with bows and wearing silver winter puff jackets.

One of them with bright blue eyes like Jason caught my attention.

Piper Pov:

I waked up on the bus to Leo standing up abruptly and about twenty Girls in silver jackets armed with bows.

Then it clicked in my brain their the hunters of Artimis. 

Annabeth told me that Thalia and this other kid Luke all went to camp together but Thalia didn't make it fighting off a monster and only a few years ago the tree Thalia was in got healed when the golden fleece was brought to camp. 

"Thalia" Leo suddenly shouts assessing the situation I think there is some relief in his tone.

I walk forward and hug Thalia she is taken aback at first surprised but then embraces me.

"Hi Thalia It's nice to see you again." I say as we break away from the embrace.

"Good to see you two" Thalia says, she gestures her hand at Leo, "I thought this little guy died but I came back from the dead so." The other hunters laughed along with Thalia I joined in as well.

I look back at Leo and his face is red from either embarrassment or how beautiful these hunters are. I noticed their beauty right away they all have a timeless beauty to them which seems fitting since they are mostly immortal.

One example Thalia, her beautiful blazing blue eyes which pull you in and her pixie cut and persona gives you gender envy. Thalia is wearing a leather jacket with what looks like some sort of insulation in it with silver-gray cargo pants and a Metallica graphic tee.

The rest of the hunters had on the same cargo pants as Thalia but instead of leather jackets had on reflective but camouflaged silver puffer jackets.

"So what brings you guys here." I say to Thalia.

"We are on a mission top secret for the hunters though can't tell any details." Thalia responds

"Nice me and Leo are pretty much running errands for Chiron and picking up a package in Maine." I say.

Me and Thalia have now drifted away from the rest of the bus where Leo is talking to the hunters hopelessly trying to flirt with them. Now that Thalia is closer to me I am getting a better look at her.

Thalia has a few piercing's on her face; one or maybe two in her nose, one in her eyebrow which has a slit in it, and one I noticed on her tongue when she talks. Thalia has striking freckles gently scattered all across her cheeks and on her nose.

Thalia snaps me back into the conversation when she says, "Well I guess that's what Chiron does, also we are going to need to hijack this bus where is your next stop?"

'We were just heading north so any way that goes towards Maine maybe a bus stop." I say.

"Sure" Thalia agrees.

Leo Pov:

After the hunters Piper walked away talking to Thalia leaving me alone to fend for myself in a bus full of hot hunters. 

I walk over to one hunter with striking blond locks of hair and a sweet and nurturing but deadly smile like a mother and say, "Hi what is your name?"

The hunter turns to face me and says "Phoebe, what's it to you shorty." All of the hunters around her laughed with her as my hand caught fire in embarrassment and my face probably went bright red.

After a few more attempts with other hunters that went the same way as the first Piper came over to me.

"So the hunters are hijacking this bus so they are going to drop us of at a nearby bus stop and we will move on from there."

"Great." I say feeling relived I can leave this bus and not embarrass myself again.

I then hear the engine start and sit down in the back with Piper.

 I work with my Archimedes  sphere as the bus drives along to the bus stop and I think, 'I will never forget the time I met the hunters and caught on fire.'

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this story. I t isn't my best work but I had this idea and wanted to make it happen for you guys. After I post on my other story I will not be able o post for two to three weeks because I will be at sleepaway camp. so this will be the last time I update for a while. I hope this brightened your day and wish you all a wonderful summer.

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