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   On the way back to the house she kept repeating in her mind the steps, "one pray the prayer, two soak the silver cross in the water three in the name of Jesus place it onto the floor in the most active room." I can do this, she thought to herself with confidence. As she got to the road before her driveway she turned the head lights off, as to try and arrive undetected. She slowly pulled up to the house and shut the car off. There she sat for several minutes; there was no movement in the house. They must be asleep she thought to herself. She got out of the car slowly, closed the door and locked it. It's better that Sara stay out here, should anything go wrong she thought to herself, grabbing the box the pastor gave her. As she made her way to the front door with the box, she looked for any sign of movement. She got to the front door and opened it, it was unlocked, as quietly as she could she stepped in leaving the door slightly cracked, just in case.

    As she walked through the dark on her way to the stairs she passed the living room. She glanced in and stopped. There the rest of her families sat, in the dark silently and still. "Where did you go Karen?" her husband rarely used her first name. "I went out" she replied. "Out for WHAT!?" he said with anger. "It was nothing just a couple of things," mid-sentence she started toward the stairs. "Don't walk away from me you lying Bitch." Hearing that made her heart pound, she did not respond rather she darted for the upstairs room. As she rounded the second floor on her way to the third he yelled again. This time it was in a much deeper and inhuman voice. "You think you can push us out, this is OUR HOUSE!" Karen got to the third floor and look behind her only to see that floating upward all four of them shouting and barking in a language she had never heard. She turned toward the door and flung it open.

    That same woman was on the floor only this time the room was full of things. They were eating pieces of her body while they mocked her. She looked up at Karen like before "it won't work" she said to Karen in a weak and exhausted voice. Karen pulled the cross out of the box, her hand trembling from the adrenaline. The beasts in the room became enraged. One of the things jumped down on the head of the woman on the floor, bursting it like a melon. Karen instantly closed her eyes and began to pray what Pastor Daniels had instructed her to. The things went wild destroying the woman and the room in a fit of rage, scared and beginning to cry she continued to pray with all the strength she could muster, as she walked closer to the center of the room, where the things had viciously tore the woman to shreds. She stopped and pulled the water out of the box, dropping it to the floor, the house began to shake violently. "DON'T YOU DARE BRING THAT SHIT INTO OUR HOUSE!" a voice shouted in anger, as the floor underneath her began to crack and separate. She popped open the bottle and sloppily spilled the holy water all over the cross in her hand. The bottle dropped to the floor and the beasts screeched as if it scalded every one of them at the same time, smoke rising from where the water was pouring out of the bottle onto the floor, She raised the cross into the air with both hands and yelled "IN THE NAME OF JESUS GET OUT!" and slammed it end first deep into the wooden floor.

    For a split second there was absolute silence, the room was empty of nightmares... then a burst from the cross so powerful it blew her across the room and imprinted her into the drywall. The burst whipped through the house before exploding from the house in all directions like a volcanic blast; exploding into the surrounding woods with such force all the surrounding trees were bent away from the house for a good tenth of a mile. She awoke still in the wall, she slowly climbed out of the whole shaped like her, and got to her feet. She picked up the holy water and pulled the cross out of the floor and placed them back into the box. taking a second to come to her senses, she started walking to the top of the stairwell. It must have worked she thought to herself as she slowly made her way down to the ground floor.

    when the ground began to tremble ever so slightly. Slowly it became stronger and stronger, it seemed to be coming from outside. She ran to the window and looked out "Oh... my.. God!" As she peered out the window, It looked like thousands of amber eyes, as they got closer... "Holy Shit" every animal in the forest was running full speed at the house... She quickly turned in all directions, every window... hundreds, maybe thousands of animals of all kinds. She frantically ran from the window and leaped out the front door clearing the porch entirely. She sprinted to the car that had been pushed back a good twenty feet by the blast. She flung the door open, got in and slammed it closed just in time to watch what must have been thousands of animals rush to the house like a tsunami, the ground shook as they smashed into the house from all sides at the same time. They ran, flew and galloped with such force that when they impacted the house, they died instantly. One by one, each possessed animal's blood sacrifice releasing the evil spirits back into the house. She could not believe her eyes. She opened the door and stepped out of the car in awe. She slowly walked around the house in disbelief of what she had just witnessed.

    Completely unafraid, Stunned at the magnitude of loss and trying to get a grip in this reality when suddenly one of the things flew up against the window from the darkness inside the house and shouted to her "WE WILL KILL YOU SLOWLY YOU BITCH!" It startled her, but more than fear... it pissed her off. A thought popped into her head! She smirked and ran over to the garage and opened the door. She began searching frantically through the junk. "Where is it, where is it" she yelled to herself. "YASSS" she shouted. She bolted out of the garage and up to the front of the house. She stood there, watching them watch her. Then she shouted "YOU THINK I'M A BITCH UH... WELL YOU AIN'T SEEN SHIT YET!" She popped the top off of the gas jug from the garage and started splashing it all over the dead animals and base of the house. The beasts in the house began to frantically yell, bark, and curse her as they pilled up against the windows from the inside. She made it around the house almost twice before she ran out of gas. She threw the jug into the pile of dead animals and bolted for the car.

    She got in and started the engine. By now it looked as if the house was full of creatures, things and beasts of all unimaginable sorts. She pushed in the cigarette lighter, it was a second that seemed like a life time, then it popped back out. Without hesitation she whipped it out the window at the pile of gas soaked animals surrounding the house. BOOM, the house seemed to go up instantly. She put her seat belt on put the car in drive, grabbed Sara's little hand, and mashed the gas pedal to the floor. She never looked back. The house burnt to the ground that night. No one knew for weeks. B & Dee, the company that owned the land, found out the house was leveled by the fire. Attempts to contact the family were futile and the property went on the market for sale. It sat empty for over thirty years.

   "Well Mr. Smith, just sign here and it'sall yours". "Such a fine piece of land" Mr. Smith said to the B& Dee real estate agent. "Yes it is, and it's all yours.""Thank you" Mr. Smith replied. The agent began to walk back to hiscar after closing the deal. When he stopped and turned to Mr. Smith, "Whatwill you do with the land, now that it's yours?" "Sure looks like agreat place to build a home"...

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