Chapter 1

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Your name is Y/n Y/l/n. You are 20 years old and work as a young photographer. You started photographing when you were very young but you were one of the best. So with only 17 years you got your first job. You got to be the photographer of One Direction. Now it's been three years and you're still working for them and taking pictures on every 1D concert. The boys know you they treat you like a friend and you always have fun when you're doing a photoshoot together.

You are an only child. Your parents live in London and you do too. You have a small apartment in London where you live by yourself.

It was a regular morning. I was editing a few pictures I took from the last photoshoot of One Direction, when my boss came into my office.
„Hey Y/n listen could you do me a favour?" he asked when he entered.
„Yeah sure what is it?"
„I know you have the day off tomorrow but the boys told me the wrong date of their next concert. They told me it was next week but it's tomorrow so I wanted to ask you, if you could step in?" I could tell he urgently needed someone to step in.

{Typical 1D, telling the wrong date of their own concert.} I thought.

„Yes, of course, I'd like to, I didn't know what to do anyway tomorrow." I answered.
„Is it really no problem for you because if it is I could ask Lizzy to step in."
(Lizzy is the photographer who steps in when I can't)
„No really, I look forward to do it." I reassured him.
„Great thank you so much."
„No problem. Could you just send me all the information about the concert?" I asked.
„Sure I'm gonna send them right now."

He left my office and sent me everything I needed to know. The rest of the day I had to edit some pictures and then prepared my cameras and everything else I needed for the concert.

The next day I got there early to prepare everything so the cameras are positioned in the right angle.
(You probably know that between the stage and the crowd is a little space like a „passageway" there where the bodyguards always stand on their concert that's where I set up the cameras and that's where I am during the concert because there's the best spot to take the pictures.)

There was still an hour until the concert started so I went backstage to meet the boys

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There was still an hour until the concert started so I went backstage to meet the boys.
I entered the room and the only one who was there was Harry.
„Heey Y/n I didn't know you were gonna be here. I thought Lizzy stepped in." Harry said.
He came up to me and gave me a hug to greet me.
„Hii, no I told them I was gonna do it. How are you I didn't see you all in a long time." I asked him.
„Oh I'm fine, I was sick but I'm better now."
„Good to hear. Wow the last time I saw you, you had much shorter hair."
„Yeah, don't you like it?"
He laughed.
„I love it. It suits you." I said.
„So where are the other four dorks?" I asked him.
„I think they are playing around somewhere."
„As always." I said rolling my eyes.
„Yeah they're like little children." he told me.
„Oh and you are not?" I asked smiling at him.
„Don't be mean." he said and couldn't hise his smile.
„Well it's true isn't it?" I asked.
„Yeah..." he admitted.
We laughed.
Then the boys came in.
Just when I thought I can talk to Y/n one time without anyone being around, they just had to come in at that moment.
„Oh hi Y/n!" they greeted me.
„Heey are you back from playing like little children?"
„Well thanks for that." Louis said.
„I'm just joking guys. How are you all doing?" I asked.
„We're doing great how are you?" Liam asked me.
„I'm fine thanks. Well I have to go now I want to take a few pictures of the fans before you enter the stage." I told them.
„See you later then." Zayn said.
„See ya."
I was on my way to the area I have to stay when I heard Harry call me.
„Y/n wait." he said.
I turned around to face me.
„Listen, after the concert there will be a little party to celebrate the new album I would appreciate...I mean we would appreciate it if you came too." Harry said.
„Uhm yeah, I'd love to, thanks for the invite. Now go backstage you have to warm up right?" I said.
„Right see you later."
„Enjoy the concert!" I yelled as he was already running back.
„I wiiill!" He yelled back looking at me.
„Watch out where you're running not that you fall...again." I called.
He just laughed at me and then went backstage...

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