Chapter 23

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„Alright, I'll wait outside on the swing bench." He said.

„Just don't fall asleep again."

„I won't."
Harry said while he headed out of the back door.
I put the car keys on the couchtable and went upstairs.
I took a quick shower and got dressed.
I put on my vans and got downstairs.
„Harry, I'm ready let's go." I said but didn't get a response.
[Their outfits]

[Their outfits]

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I went outside where Harry was laying

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I went outside where Harry was laying.

„Noo come on!" I said. He was asleep...again.
But this time I didn't wake him up gently, I put my hands on his massive shoulders and shook him.

„I'm awake, I'm awake! There's no need to get violent." he said.


„Sorry I was so tired, I closed my eyes for five minutes, I swear."

„Come on, let's go nightcap, Gemma is gonna pick us up, she must be here by now."

„Oh she is?" he asked.

„Yes, she called me earlier. So get up, she's waiting."

He finally got up and got out of the door. Gemma was already waiting for us in her car.
I got in on the front seat and Harry on the back seat.
„Heey Gemma." I hugged her.

„Hii, how are you? Are you feeling better?" she asked after we drove away.

„Much better, yeah, thanks."

„That's good to hear. And Harry did you get some sleep these days? Like I told you to?" She asked looking at him in the rearview mirror.

„He gets sleep everywhere." I said laughing.
„Haha yeah, I fall asleep almost everywhere I sit down on." he said.

„At least you both got some rest." Gemma said.

A few minutes later we arrived at the arena and once again passed the security guards and got through the gate.
We entered the giant door and walked again through the long corridor to the door at the end of the hallway. I opened it and as soon as we entered and the boys saw us they came over to us.

„Heeeey Y/n!" they said almost at the exact same time.

„How are you luv?" Louis asked.

„Oh I'm fine thanks."

He smiled at me and rubbed my shoulder.

„And you Hazza? What have you done this time that you're on crutches?" Niall asked.

„I'm just being me." he said laughing.

„That explains everything." Zayn added.

„We didn't even know you two were gonna be here tonight, so you're performing?" Liam asked.

„Oh uhm actually I'm not, the doctor said I should take it easy and not standing or walking around." Harry explained.

„But technically you don't have to stand or walk around at the show, you could just sit and sing." Liam said.

Harry's eyes lit up. He looked at me with eyes full of hope. I knew he wanted to perform and I knew that he didn't want to let the fans down.
I smiled at him.

„Go on." I said. „Get on that stage and have some fun for one last time this year."

He smiled from one ear to the other.

„Come over here so I can kiss you." he said.
I walked over to him into his arms and he kissed me.

„Now go on, you have to go to the soundcheck." I told him.

He nodded and followed the boys. Before he got out of the door he turned around.

„Come on Y/n, come with us and you too Gem." Harry said and we immediately followed him too.

Gemma and I sat down in the audience. Nobody was there yet, we got to listen every song in the acoustic version. It was so beautiful, espescially the slower and more romantic songs.

Two hours later they finished and got ready backstage. Gemma and I went to the VIP seats and waited until the show started.
The fans were starting to come into the arena. They ran in to the front row and screamed and screamed, hoping to see one of the boys.

After a while the arena was filled. A lot of the fans held posters in the air or had things like ‚I love 1D' written on their faces.

Finally, it got dark inside the arena and yet again, the opening bars to Teenage Dirtbag, the show started....

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