Chapter 17

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When Y/n came back from the bar she wasn't really good looking. Something must've been wrong. It was all out of a sudden and that was so weird.
So I followed her to the bathroom where she headed to, because I was worried about her. Unforunately I got held back by Lizzy. She ran in front of me and just jumped on me and kissed me. I instantly pushed her away but right at that moment Y/n got out of the bathroom and saw how she kissed me.

„What the hell are you doing?" Y/n said with almost no voice.

Lizzy just ran away. I wanted to explain to her what happened but Y/n then closed her eyes and just passed out. Luckily I catched her before she fell on the hard ground.
I checked her breathing and her pulse. I felt her pulse but it was slow and she breathed heavily. I knew that was not good.

„Someone call 999!! Now!" I shouted through the whole room.

Everyone instantly looked at me, kneeling on the ground with Y/n laying on my lap.
The music stopped. Gemma came running over to me.

„Call 999 Gemma please, she is not breathing anymore!" I couldn't help myself but start to cry.
„I'm on it, I'm on it. Just stay calm okay, she is gonna be just fine." Gemma said trying to calm me down.
She rubbed my back to comfort me.
Y/n was so important to me and now that happened. And why did it even happen in the first place?

Then it hit me.

It all started after she had that one drink.

„Niall, on the counter of the bar is the glass of Y/n's Martini. It has still some of it in the glass. Can you bring it to me please?" I said to Niall who ran over and took the glass.

On the way back to me he smelled at it.
„It smells really weird. Not what a Martini should smell like." he said.

„Give me the glass." He reached out and gave it to me.
„I know that smell, someone tried to do it to me once. It's a knockout serum." I said.
„For fucks sake where is the ambulance, it's getting more dangerous for her from time to time.

I couldn't wait any longer so I just picked her up and ran upstairs and out of the front door, hoping no paparazzi would be there. As I went out of the door, the ambulance had just arrived.
The paramedics got out of the ambulance and walked towards me, still holding Y/n in my arms.

„Thank god you are here, someone put a knockout serum into her drink. She passed out and breathes heavy. Please help her."
I laid her down on the stretcher and they did everything to help her. They put a oxygen mask over her mouth and brought her into the ambulance.
I wanted to go with her so I follwed them.

„I'm sorry mister?"
„St- Styles, Harry Styles." I said.
„I'm sorry mister Styles you can't be in there. We have to get her to the hospital now okay? You can come and visit her there." They told me.
„But she is my girlfriend you can't just not letting me be with her."
„I'm really sorry but we can't. we have to go now, I'm sorry about what happened."

They got into the ambulance and drove away, letting me standing there alone on the street.
I broke down, fell on my knees and just put my head in my hands. I didn't know what to do.

Meanwhile the others must have realized what happened and came upstairs with Gemma.

„Come on Harry let's go we have to go to the hospital to see her. She is gonna be fine." I heard Gemma say, rubbing my back and then hugging me. She helped me to get up. All the boys were there to support me.

I walked up to them and made my way to Louis.
„Louis I'm so sorry this happened at your party... I-.."
„Hey, don't be sorry about something that is not your fault okay? The most important thing is now that Y/n is gonna be fine."
I nodded, hoping he is right.

„Let's go to the hospital now so you can see her." Zayn said.
„Yeah, that's a good idea. I'll drive." I replied.
„Wow wow wow, you're definitely not gonna drive. Liam said.

„What, why?"

„First of all, you are not in a good condition right now, worrying about Y/n and everything and second of all, you still have a broken foot. You're not allowed to drive."

„Fine, Gemma drives then."

I handed her the keys and we all got into the car. Gemma drove us to the hospital. It was a 20 minute ride from the bar to the hospital. These 20 minutes felt like an iternity.

Finally we entered the parking area of the hospital and we got in. I straight up went to the front desk of the emergency room.

„I'm sorry can you tell me in which room Y/n Y/l/n is? She is my girlfriend and probably just got here with an ambulance." I asked the nurse who was sitting behind a computer.

„Let me see. Yes you're right, she just got here but the doctors are examining her. You have to wait." she said with a comforting smile on her face. She must have seen how exhausted and miserable I looked.

The boys and Gemma were already waiting in the waiting room. I walked down the corridor and got in the waiting room too. We were the only people there, since it was like 02:00 am.
I didn't wanna sit down, I couldn't just remain calm. I walked around in the room and waited and waited.

„Harry you're limping, are you alright?" my sister asked.

„Yeah I'm alright, I'm alright, my foot just hurts. It happens when I walk around too long."

„You know, the thing is, you shouldn't even walk around too long and especially without a boot on."You jumped around the whole night, at the show and then when we were in the bar. Just rest for a few minutes. In fact, the doctor told you to elevate it." she said.


I walked over to a chair and sat down. I grabbed one of the other chairs, placed it in front of me and laid my leg on it. Honestly, it felt really good to rest for a while.

We were waiting for hours and I almost fell asleep

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We were waiting for hours and I almost fell asleep.
„Guys if you want to go home, go. You don't have to be here." I said breaking the silenece.

„Please, we are all her friends we couldn't just go home and leave you alone here." Liam answered.

„Thanks guys..." I said.

Finally, a doctor entered the room.
„Hello, my name is doctor Martin. Who of you is mister Styles?" the doctor asked.

I jumped out of my chair.
„Me, it's me, I'm mister Styles." I said and shook his hand.

„Would you please come with me?"

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